Chapter 34

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I woke up on the couch with Liam beside me. I looked around and noticed a worried looking Kathleen staring at me as well. Liam smiled and removed the damp cloth that was on my forehead.

"Look who is back" Liam smiled.

"Lexi, are you okay?" Kathleen asked worriedly coming over to where I was.

"What happened?" I asked trying to sit up but was a little weak.

"Easy there" Liam said helping me up. "You passed out after seeing that cat"

"What?" I asked in disbelief as I started to remember me puking my gut out.

"That's what I thought too" Kathleen said. "I'm starting to worry about you Lexi, this isn't like you".

Liam handed me a glass of water which I was thankful for. My throat had been dry and scratchy.

"I don't know what went wrong. I just suddenly felt nauseous and light headed after seeing that" I said to them. "But I never had a weak stomach before"

"Uhm. Kathleen could I have a minute alone with Lexi?" Liam asked.

"Yeah sure" Kathleen replied before walking out.

"I think I probably need to go back to America. I think I'm maybe homesick" I chuckled.

"Yeah, I thought so" Liam chuckled before going serious.
"Based on all the complains you've had and all the assessment I've made, there's only one thing I haven't checked"
"And what is that?" I asked curious.

"Based on the symptoms you've been displaying, and what you said today about just getting out of a relationship, you need to do a pregnancy test" Liam said to me.

"What!?" I said standing up from
the couch. "I-I'm not... I'm... I can't be pregnant".

" Lexi it's possible if you and your partner were intimate and not using protection" Liam said to me. "Even using contraceptives may not be 100% effective at times".

"I'm not pregnant Liam, I'm probably just stress" I said to him. "Being pregnant wouldn't give me nosebleeds and migraine would it?"

"There is only one way to know what is what, and it's by taking that test" Liam said to me. "You can get a home pregnancy test or you can even come by the office tomorrow and I'll do one"

"Liam, I don't think that's necessary" I said to him running my hands through my hair.

"You're scared" Liam said to me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're scared that you might be pregnant, you've broke up with your boyfriend so you're worried that if you are indeed pregnant, you're either gonna have to raised that child on your own, fight for custodial rights or try to mend things so that the child could have a proper family" Liam said to me. "You don't want to take that test because you're scared of finding out the truth".

"Wow Liam. You're a mind reader too?" I chuckled trying to get rid of the tension I had now built up in me.

"No, but I did study psychology as well. And I've dealt with these issues before" Liam said to me.

"You are right about it all" I said to him. "I'm not ready for this if it should happen that I am..."

"Lexi, being pregnant isn't a bad thing and its not the end of the world. In fact it is a wonderful gift to be able to bring a child into the world" Liam said to me.

"It's also unfair to a child, bringing him or her into this wicked world, into a broken family and possible to suffer" I said to him.

"It doesn't have to be that way" Liam said taking my hands in his.

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