Chapter 61

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"I was asking Daddy a lot about when we were going to see you again?" Emily said to me as we entered the ice cream shop with her glued to my hip.

"Really? Did you miss me?" I chuckle playing with her cheek causing her to giggle.

"Yes, I did but Dad was always saying 'I don't know yet, I don't know yet' he was always saying that you are busy and don't have time for me at the moment" Emily replied circling her arms around my neck.

"Is that so?" I said sending a glare to Leon who gave me a sheepish smile and mouth sorry.

I just roll my eyes at him before turning back to Em with a smile.
"Nonsense, your dad doesn't know what he's talking about Em. I'm never to busy for you".

"Really?" Em asked excitedly.

"Yeah really" I laughed before walking over to the counter so that she could see the different ice cream flavours in the refrigerator below. "So what flavour ice cream do you want to get?"

"I want the uhmm....that one" Emily pointed to the strawberry pineapple flavor before deciding to change her mind. "No, that one, the blue one. No the orange and yellow one".

"So many flavours, You're not so sure which one you really want do you?" I chuckle.

"No" Emily said shaking her head as she kept one index finger in her mouth as if it'll help her to concentrate on choosing the perfect ice cream flavor.

"Sweetie, how about we get a scoop of all three ice creams then?" Leon ask. "How does that sound?"

"Yeah yeah" Emily said excitedly jumping in my arms.

"Woah there" Leon chuckled as he took her from me and putting her to stand up. "You're excessive energy is gonna kill Lexi. She must be tired now".

"Its was okay" I said to him. "I could handle her"

"Em is a handful, she's extremely energetic. In addition she's getting a bit weighty you can't deny that" Leon said to me. "So what flavor ice cream can I get you?"

"Its fine I can get my own, you don't have to" I started telling him.

"No, I was the one who invited you out for ice cream. I don't think you had that plan so I should buy" Leon insisted.

"No, its okay I got it" I tried to tell him.

"Lexi, I'm not gonna back off if you don't let me pay for your ice cream" Leon said stubborn which caused me to sigh in defeat. "Now what flavor do you want?"

"I'll take a chocolate vanilla" I smiled giving in.

"Great" Leon smiled. "You and Em can go get a seat at one of the tables".

"Okay" I nodded before taking Emily's hand and leading her to an empty seat. "Come on Em, let's go get us a seat"

Emily and I sat down as we talked while waiting for Leon to order and returned with our ice creams.

Kathleen and I were planning on having a girl's night in. I had just reached in and since it was the weekend we decided to chill order pizza and watch some movies tonight, especially since it has been a while since we last did this. I was putting up some stuff that I had bought earlier when the stupid bag tore sending the rest of snacks flying to the kitchen floor.

"Ugh! Stupid bag" I groaned bending down to pick up the things.

"I hate when that happens" Kathleen replied bending down to help pick up some of the stuff that had reach over to her side. "Let me help".

"I swear the bag was rotten, it wasn't like it was heavy or anything" I replied putting the chips on the counter.

"Maybe it just had a....  rough ride" I heard Kathleen trailed off.

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