Chapter 58

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"You're letting me drive your car to work?" Kathleen asked as I gave her my car keys.

"You can drive can't you?" I asked as I put on my lipstick.

"Well yeah but..."

"And you have a valid driver's license right?" I said to her.

"Yeah I do, but your car Lexi? I don't know, what if I wreck it or something?" Kathleen asked still looking at the car key in her hand weirdly.

"Then I'll kill you, so don't" I said to her.

"Great, I'll feel so much better already about driving your car" Kathleen said sarcastically. "Thanks Lexi"

"You're welcome" I smiled playing along. "Look I won't be able to drop you off or pick you up today and I'm pretty sure you'd rather not be stuck with any of the guys Dominic stuck you with. Besides I think its time you have your own ride now".

"Yeah you're right but I can't afford it yet to buy a car, I'll have to save more" Kathleen replied.

"Are you even listening to what I've been trying to say?" I asked.

"What are you saying?" Kathleen asked causing me to shake my head.

"I'm saying you should keep my car, in other words its now yours" I replied.

"What?" Kathleen replied shocked. "You're giving me your car?"

"Yeah" I smiled at her. "That's what it means to keep something, isn't it?"

"Lexi, thanks but no I can't... I just can't take it" Kathleen shake her head stretching back the keys to me.

"What do you mean you can't take it? I'm the one giving it to you" I said to her not taking the keys back from her.

"I know but I can't take it, you've helped me so much already I just can't accept that. Its just... Its too much. Plus its your car, you love that car and its still so new and- and..." Kathleen continued rambling.

"Will you shut up?" I said to her causing her to stop her rambling. "I know you wouldn't accept a fairly new one that's just purchased, so I figured that since mine isn't exactly considered as new but still in great condition you'd more likely accept it as second hand gift. Besides I'm getting an upgrade what else would I do with this old car when I got the new one? I already have a van as well"

"Lexi its just a bit too much" Kathleen replied still trying to argue.

"I don't wanna hear it okay, consider it as a loan then or something you can borrow whenever you want then" I said to her. "No arguments".

"Okay, fine" Kathleen nodded. "Thanks Lexi".

"No prob" I smiled before picking up my bag. "See you later, have a safe drive.

I've been balancing and finalising accounting books all morning, as well as ordering stocks and supplies to be delivered to both restaurants. Today has been an extremely busy and loaded day. I haven't even had a chance to get lunch or even move once since I got here. I could have easily take a small break but I really just want to get off the excess workload done and off my head today.

By the time I had officially finished doing every bit of work my back, shoulders and my neck were feeling extremely stiff and sore. Not to mentioned my rear end that felt as if it was literally dead right now to how numb I was feeling. I finally shut down the computer before closing my eyes and stretching in my chair. As I tried relaxing my door then started knocking.

"Come in" I called out before trying to sit up straight. Looking up I almost wish I hadn't. "Oh my God, I don't even have the strength to deal with you right now".

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