Chapter 74

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It has been a week since that horrible dinner incident. I was slowly getting over being mad at Gio for the chaos that happened. Dad was being a bit weird with me even though he said he wasn't when I confronted him a about it and that if I was alright with Gio then he'd have to accept it. I haven't really talked to Dominic much since and I only saw him once after and that was last week when he had came to help Kathleen move her stuff to his place. The only thing I had gotten from him was "hey" and "we're leaving now". So I think we might still have a little awkward tension between us.

I really missed Kathleen since I'd gotten so use to her being here with us for a while now. She did however promised to visit every now and then and ask if it was alright if wed still keep her room in case she felt like coming to spend a night here.
Mom was the same with me after everything not that I was surprised though, she was always the more lenient and easier to understand one. She said she's happy for me if I'm sure that Gio is who I want and that I shouldn't worry as the others will come around. Emilia was still staying with me even though I think she is going to be flying back to Italy for a while again in the next few weeks. It was more obvious now that she had a crush on Marc. He had stopped by again and Emilia literally take over Marc in a different conversation, Marc also seem to find her amusing as well even though he claimed she may be a bit too young for him.

Gio and his guys still haven't been able to locate Snakes despite searching every where they believe to be an hideout. They had even managed to get Julian to spill everything about his and Snakes escapades and even on the Glendocks gang in hopes to save his life. Gio's men had raid and wipe out the few Glendocks members and hounded them for information about Snakes but no one knew anything about his where about's. Since the guys no longer have any use to Gio, they dispose of them. I could only imagine the scene, since the gang apparently had about 21 persons. I can't believe Snakes was that dumb to want to cross Gio like that knowing what they were apart of or who his boss was. I guess he just didn't believe they would have gotten caught or found out this early since he was still in the process of recruiting and building. It would be best if he kept hiding well for the rest of his life or just kill himself, it'd be way easier and much less painful than if Gio's or any of the other Cavelli's men were to catch him, especially now since he had fled.

"So are you talking back to Gio now again then?" Emilia asked me as we were by the poolside.

"I was never not talking to him" I said to her.

"I mean are you talking to him better now? Are you done being mad at him?" Emilia rephrased.

"I guess you could say so" I replied. "It's been a whole week now, I can't exactly stay mad at him forever. Even though I like to think I can".

" I know its probably not my place to say, and I'm not just saying this because he's my brother but he wasn't exactly wrong you know" she said. "I think it is best now that your family know you guys were back together and about who I really am. Now no one has to pretend".

" I know, you're totally right " I said to him. "Its just that keeping this a secret seems much safer for a while there, I had gotten comfortable with it".

" Well my father always said too much secret are what destroys us most of the time" Emilia said to me.

"You're father is right about that, he sounds like a wise man" I said to her.

"Yeah" Emilia nodded.

"What is he like?" I asked curiously.

"Pretty much like Gio, serious, over protective. Likes being in control and having things run his way and a bit scary at times" Emilia replied. "Your dad sometimes remind me of him".

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