Chapter 18

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I was probably going to get myself killed today if things get out of hand because I was going right into the lion's den.
For the past week Gio had been acting weird all week whenever we spoke or such and Dominic and Dad had been trying to keep me at home for the entire week. I was not allowed to go out any at all and even Kathleen they had asked to stay home.
I kept asking what was wrong but they weren't giving me anything, however I just asked Marc what was up and he was able to let me know that Rostov himself was here in New York.

Guess him having whatever difficulties in getting his guys to capture me and take me back to Chicago to him, caused him to make the decision in coming here himself that way he'd be closer. Dominic was planning to take down Rostov and so was Gio based on little bits of information that Dominic gathered.
He was currently staying at SEATO a hotel in town, and they said that he travels light. So in terms of his men he'll probably only have about two near him. I had asked Marc what if they do managed to take down Rostov if he didn't have someone that would take over his group, but according to them the guy had no heir and even if one of his underboss took over whatever personal vendetta Rostov had with anybody would die with him.

I found out that Dominic and his men were planning to carry out their plans of getting rid of Rostov tonight. I had to be sneaky and planted a listening device on both Marc and Dominic twice before I was able to figure that out. Their plan was to go to the hotel and while some get rid of Rostov's men, Rostov would be left defenseless and then they'd take him out. He was most likely gonna be hanging out in the lounge or club area of the bar. If learned that his weakness was beautiful young women therefore he'd most likely be focussing on any such that caught his eyes. So basically they'd have to catch him while he was most vulnerable.

I was tired of having to be hiding at home because of this guy. I was nearly kidnapped twice because of him, he had guys went to my business places seeking about me when I was fortunately not there and I had to be staying in most times for months now just because of him. I didn't want to be living my life in hiding with no freedom to do or go wherever I want because this Rostov guy wanted to used me to get back at Gio. I needed this issue to be rectified as soon as possible and it was taking too long. Dominic planned on taking him out tonight but I wanted to help. It must be who this guy wanted so it was me he was gonna get.

I had dyed my hair blond and got some extensions put in earlier. Kathleen asked what I was doing but I just told her I needed a change ad felt like doing something new. I had also booked a room at SEATO for one night so I'd have access to the hotels pub. I knew I wasn't suppose to be leaving the house and also that I had two other guys keeping on eye out on us. So I had offered them something to drink with sleeping pills in them. Then I put on my shades and hurriedly snuck out before anyone noticed I was gone.

I was now in my hotel room watching the camera feeds from inside the club. I had learned sometime ago how to hacked into security feeds and so I had done that. I saw when Rostov indeed entered the clubs with only two guys followed shortly. I noticed they all went to sit at a table together. I never met the guy before but I had investigate about him and saw pictures to know his he looked more than enough by now. I then realized it was time to make my appearance soon.

I had put in some bluish green contacts and with my hair being blonde now, even if Rostov knew how I looked he wouldn't be noticing tonight. I decided to go change into the dress I had specifically picked out for this occasion. A tight red strapless short dress which shows off my legs perfectly with black 6inch heels that are bound to make my legs look longer.

After getting ready I made my way downstairs to where the pub was located. I stepped inside the pub making sure to walk right passed Rostov and his guys swaying my hips sensuously hoping that I'll caught the great Rostov's attention. I walked right up to the bar taking a seat on one of the high stools.

"Hi, can I have a gin and tonic please?" I smiled at the bartender using a strong British accent.

"Coming right up" the guy replied.

"Its on me" I heard a deep accented voice say coming right up behind me.

I turned to looked at the guy who had spoken, imagine my surprise in realizing that the voice belonged to none other than the one and only Rostov himself. Wow, that was faster than I would've imagined. I guess a pair of exposed legs can be a very powerful weapon.

"Thank you" I smiled sweetly at him.

"I'm Adolma Rostov" Rostov said outstretching his hand towards me. "What's your name beautiful?"

"Kathleen" I replied shaking his hand. "Kathleen Miller".

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