Chapter 64

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"I still don't understand why Gio has to ship me off to you" Emilia huffed as we drove to my house. "I'm not some pet you guys can just take turn shipping back and forth you know".

"I know and trust me I'm not happy about this either OK, but your brother thinks you need someone to watch you and he cant" I said to her.

"Watch me!? He's just like Dad. I don't need anyone to watch me, I'm not a baby" Emilia replied. "I was able to get here on my own, a little trust would be nice"

"You're right you should tell that to him" I replied.

"It doesn't makes any sense. That is exactly why I came here because I needed a break from all the babysitting, yet I still get one here. They treat me like a kid" Emilia huffed putting her feet up on my dashboard. "I'm eighteen not eight".

"Hey, feet off" I said pulling them down. "Maybe if you didn't act like a kid at times you wouldn't get treated like one".

"I do not act like a kid" Emilia said offended.

"Right" I said sarcastically. "Maybe, when you show them that you're capable of not doing anything stupid and can look out for yourself then you'd stop getting stuck with 'babysitters'.

"You live here?" Emilia asked once I was opening the front door of the house.

"No, I'm breaking in. That's why I have a key and access to the garage" I said to her.

"Whatever" Emilia said rolling her eyes. "Who else lives here?"

"You'll see" I said to her. "By the way, when you do get introduced, let me do the talking and don't say anything you shouldn't".

"How do I know what I should or shouldn't say?" Emilia smirk.

"Then don't talk" I said to her. "Come on".

"Hey guys" I said as I walked into the living with Emilia following me.

"Hey sweetie, you missed dinner" mom said to me.

"Sorry, I'm late. Got a bit caught up" I replied.

"Whose this?" Dad asked looking at Emilia then back to me.

"This is Emilia, she's gonna be staying here with me for a few days hope you guys don't mind" I said to them. "Emilia, these are my parents, Katherine and Alphonso Luciano".

"Its nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Luciano" Emilia smile at them.

I had to resist the urge I had to roll my eyes. She spoke to them so sweetly and innocent one would think she's an angel.

"No problem" Mom replied. "You're Italian?"

"Si" Emilia nodded.

"So is Alphonso here" Mom said putting her hand on Dad's arm.

"Really, I had no idea" Emilia smiled. "Lexi never told me..."

"Well you never asked and I didn't think it was important" I said cutting her off.

"So, Emilia do you have a surname? How did you meet Lexi here?" Dad asked looking at us suspiciously.

"Actually..." Emilia started.

"No she doesn't" I chuckled cutting her off. "Its just Emilia you know like 'Pink' or 'Neyo'. We have mutual friends. Anyway we're kinda tired and have to freshen up. Where is Kathleen by the way".

"She's upstairs" mom replied.

"Okay, great. Later guys" I smiled at them before pulling Emilia with me. "Come on Em"

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