Chapter 75

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My eyes felt extremely heavy like they were glued shut, there was this ringing in my ear and I had a splitting headache. It was like someone had hit me over the head with a ten tonne brick, these were the first things I noticed once I had woken up. I groaned and turned to bury my face in the pillow when I noticed how funky it smells, my pillows smells like chocolate vanilla scented candles, opposed to this one which smells like wet dirty dogs. I fight to open my eyes despite them feeling so heavy and the pain in my head.

"Good, she's awake" I heard someone said.

Frightened by the voice since I definitely was not expecting anyone else here with me, I scrambled up on the bed before my eyes landed on the culprit.

I looked at him with confusion as to what the hell he's doing here and where the hell I am, I looked round the room noticing it looked like some rat infested motel. Then I remembered me seeing Snakes at the restaurant before everything went black. The bastard must've knock me unconscious then brought me here, wherever here was.

"Its great to see you finally up, now we can talk" Snakes said.

"What are you...where the hell am I?" I managed to get out even though my voice sounded hoarse most likely from my dry throat.

Its officially now, I'm definitely the queen of getting kidnapped.

"You're back at my current place" Snakes replied.

"This is where you stay?" I asked looking at the place in disgust and wrinkling my nose. "It looks and smell like something died in here".

"Yeah, something probably did" Snakes said as he looked around as well. "Now back to business".

" What do...ow!" I stopped talking and clutching my head as the pain rise again. "What do you want?"

"Didn't know how easy you'd passed out so had to hit you a bit hard" He said pointing to my head.

"What the hell did you hit me with?" I hissed at him as my fingers massage a bump that has form in the side of my head.

"Not much, just this" Snakes replied pulling a gun.

"You hit me with a gun!" I shrieked at him only to have the pain intensify as a result of my own shriek.

"Keep your voice down" Snakes replied aiming the gun at me causing my eyes to go wide. "Another outburst and I'll be force to pull the trigger"

"What do you want?" I asked cautiously.

"I was getting at that before you interrupted me" Snakes said. "Now I'm sure you probably know by now that your boyfriend and the entire Cavelli group is after me".

" I don't know anything, Gio never... " I started but was cut off.

"Shut up and let me finish" Snakes said pushing the gun further in the direction of my head. "You don't talk unless I tell you to. Now as I was saying, you're most likely aware of them being after me for over a week now. If I wasn't swift enough to get away as quick as I did and able to hide out here I'd be dead already. Everything was working out quite fine until all of a sudden I have men, whom I had called brothers before coming after me. Ask me why?"

"Why?" I asked biting the inside of my cheek as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Because they had their heads stuck way up in Cavelli's ass they can't even think for themselves. If he sys jump they jump without question, well I'm sick of it so I decided to try and make my own group be my own boss" Snakes said to me.

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