Chapter 54

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"So you wanna be my date to this years' Corporate business ball?" Marc asked smugly.

"I don't think I'm going Marc" I replied typing on my computer.

"Why not?" Marc asked. "I was hoping to take a hot girl with me, you know one that'd make me look good in the tabloids but one that won't possibly get clingy or take things serious or expect a relationship afterwards"

"Oh you want a trophy date" I nod. "I'm not the type. And who says I won't want a relationship afterwards? Why don't you just hire an escort, they don't expect anything from you except money which isn't a problem for you".

"Seriously Lexi? I'm not that shallow" Marc protest. "I want a beautiful sophisticated woman with me. You know somebody like you".

"Marc I'm flattered but I don't know if I'll be able to make it" I told him honestly looking up at him. "I may be busy that day".

"As it so happens its a late evening and night event sure you won't be so bust in the night?" Marc said to me.

"When I say busy for that day I mean I may be out the country" I said to him.

"Out the country?" Marc asked raising a brow in curiosity.

"Yeah. I think I need to finally go do something I've been avoiding for years now" I said to him.

"What?" Marc asked.

"I wanna visit my parents" I told him.

"You mean....?" Marc started.

"I'm flying out to London. I never went back to England after Dad found me and brought me here" I said to him. "And I just always somehow try to forget that my biological parents died but I don't wanna do that anymore, I think its time to get this over with".

"Oh, I had no idea" Marc said to me. "But why not go before the ball or after?"

"The day of the business ball marks another year anniversary of my parent's death" I said to him. "Its been years now and I don't think I can just go and enjoy myself at some business function, eating drinking and chatting it up all carefree knowing that I've been ignoring their deaths and trying not to acknowledge the fact that its the same date that they got killed".

"Lexi I'm sorry" Marc said getting up coming near me as he took my hands in his. "I'm sure they'd be proud to see how wonderful you turned out today".

"Really?" I asked. "I doubt that, I'm an occasional criminal Marc. Knowing them they'd be so disappointed seeing me like this".

"I think you turn out pretty wonderful" Marc smiling reassuringly.

"Sure you do" I chuckled. "We're exactly alike. Well almost"

"Yeah you're right" Marc chuckled. "But for the record I am proud of you. So what were they like?".

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Your parents, what were they like?" Marc asked.

"You really wanna hear about my parents?" I asked in surprised.

"Yeah, I'm interested" Marc replied.

"That could take a while besides aren't you supposed to be busy today or something?" I asked.

"No and I have the whole day" Marc told me.

"Okay fine" I sighed. "Well I always thought my parents were the absolute best....." With that I proceeded to tell him about my late family.

"So you said you wanted to asked me for a favour?" Leon asked as he handed me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah" I nodded before taking the cup from him. "Thanks. Did Em fall asleep already?"

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