Chapter 10

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I woke up finding myself laying down in my bed. Looking around confused I tried to get up instantly but was still feeling a bit woozy and nauseous.

"Hey don't sit up too fast honey" I heard mom said. "You had a minor concussion".

"Mom? What happened?" I croaked out squinting my eyes trying to get rid of the slight dizziness I felt.

My shoulder was hurting just slightly and in a sling as I tried easing up. I looked down to find that my hand was also bandage as well as that I was no longer in those bloodied clothes.

"Pietro brought you back here, you passed out" mom said to me giving me a glass of water to drink.

"Kathleen? Is she alright? Where is she?" I asked looking around after I finished the water as I remembered she was with me.

"Don't worry she's fine, your father and brother are talking to her" mom said.

"I hope they don't traumatized and scare her more than she already is" I sighed.

"I think they know what they are doing" mom replied.
"Anyway, Dr.Lee just left, you dislocated your left shoulder, and you got three stitches in your hand. He also took a piece of glass from it".

"Oh, so its not broken then? And yeah I did thought there was a piece of glass left in there" I replied playing with the bandage on my right hand.

"Yeah so, Dr.Lee had given us some painkillers for you to take. You're gonna have to rest that shoulder and your hand" mom said as she sat on a chair pulling it right beside my bed.

"Lexi, I'm so glad you're okay. I think maybe you should stay in for a while... You know until this whole situation blows over. I mean we don't know what they want with you but I just think it'd be safer to stay home".

"What? Are kidding me? That could take months, years. Mom I can't just throw away all my life just because I have to hide from people who wants to kidnapped me for God knows why" I replied incredulously. "I can't just do that, I have a social life, a restaurant and a store I'm opening next week. What would I even tell Gio?"

"What a store and restaurant?" Mom asked raising a brow.

"Oh. I wasn't supposed to say anything about that until next week. I wanted it to be a surprise" I smiled at her. "But I both the building that the little restaurant Dave's Delights was on as well as the restaurant. It was closing down so I bought it and next door I'm opening a store".

"Wow, that's all great. Lexi I'm so proud of you" mom chuckled. "How did you managed to organized everything to open both a restaurant and next week store all on your own? How long was this in progress?"

"Well that weeks when you guys went to London I made some calls and so on. As for the store Gio helped me" I told her.

"Oh. Well I'm really proud of you" mom smiled. "So is Gio like your partner then for the store?"

"No, he just helped me get all the organizing and clothes shipping together" I replied. "Actually he stocks and redone the entire store. I just found out today".

"Really? That's so nice of him. That means he really likes you to do something like that for you. It is a nice surprise" mom said to me.

"Yeah. And I promised I'd see him tonight. Oh no where's my phone? As a matter of fact what happened to my car? Did they at least took out my things?" I asked frantically.

"Hey, hey. Don't worry, we got your belongings right here" mom said picking up my bag off the floor from the side of the bed.

"Thanks, I thought they didn't save these" I said taking the bag from her. "What about the guns?"

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