Chapter 55

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"Y-you? You kill him?I don't... But that's not possible... It doesn't... What!?" Leon babbled clearly confused and in shock. "You're joking right?"

"Leon, please that wasn't something I wanted you to find out at least not like this" I said to him. "But believe me when I day I had to, I just... I didn't have a choice".

"You didn't have a choice? Lexi you took someone's life!" Leon yelled in disbelief.

"Leon shh!" I said trying to get him to toned down. "Could you please not shout that out? That someone took my family away from me".

"Did the police know?"Leon asked.

"Of course they know,they found his body after" I replied.

"And they haven't arrested you?" Leon asked incredulously.

"They don't know who did it" I confessed. "It happened I a clubs bathroom, cameras weren't installed at the time".

"What!? I can't... I don't believe this. I trusted you with Emily" Leon said wide eyes. "Oh my God, I've allowed my daughter to stay with a criminal?"

"Leon come on you know I'd never hurt you or Em" I tried telling him.

"I don't believe this" Leon said pulling the car door and stepping out.

"Leon! Leon stop! Wait please" I said getting out the car as well and running behind him.

"Lexi what do you want!? You just confessed to me about an unsolved murder what do you expect me to do?" Leon asked still walking. "You know I have to report this".

"Please Leon stop" I said holding unto his arm causing him to stop."Listen to me please".

"What else could you possible tell me, are you gonna confessed to more unsolved murder cases? Tell me about more possible murders" Leon asked.

"Well that wasn't my first time... But that's not the point I" I started saying.

"Jesus Christ Lexi!" Leon said pulling his arm from out my grasp. "Do you hear yourself? Are you telling me that I've become friends with a psychotic killer!?"

"Stop it! Leon please just stop it". I said going in front him and putting my hands on his chest stopping him from walking off. "Hear me out please, please Leon".

I noticed Leon had stopped and was now trying to calm his breathing as he looked down at me therefore I used that as my opportunity to start talking.

"After my parents died, I was sent to live in a foster home for girls. I went through a really traumatic experience, what would you do if you had witnessed your parents being killed?" I asked looking up at him. "I just didn't know how to deal with the whole issue and so I'd stay by myself in order to avoid everyone but at times I'd get into fights and a bit out of control when the other girls tried picking on me. I was assign a therapist who I had to see quite often so that she'd help me with my trauma"

"I'm not psychotic Leon. It helped for a time but then I just couldn't stay in that home anymore so I ran away and that when I met my adopted father and he brought me to America and I became a part of his family. When I was seventeen my so called boyfriend had kidnapped me along with his uncle in hopes of torturing then killing me as a way to get back at my Dad for some crop. I ended up having to kill them in order to save my life, that was the first time I had to kill".

"Oh my God" Leon said in disbelief running his hand through his hair before turning away from me.

"Leon please I'm not done yet just please hear me out" I begged causing him to turn back to me.

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