Eeekkk, DRAMA!

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Seriously! There is wayyyyyyyyyy too much drama in middle school!

First off middle school is AWKWARD! Everyone has pimples and zits. Going through puberty. And everyone is stinky! And with everyone in an confusing time and trying to find them selfs. There's a lot of drama! Although it does matter with who you surround yourself with! If you surround your self with people who are overly dramatic, or really like to talk about other people and gossip. Then your middle school years are going to be very dramatic. And believe it or not, even if you surround yourself with people who are chill and don't cause drama, there will still be drama... I know , trust me:/. Also, believe it or not you can't really avoid it. As hard as you try, you will experience drama, I mean your in middle school for goodness sakes. But it always makes it better when you surround your self with cool friends. In my 6th grade year I met my best friend Erika. And we lasted all through middle school and still talk even during the summer. I'm going to a high school, where not one person from my middle school is going so I'm going to be all alone. And meet new people. I'm really happy about that. I really want to get away from these people. But I'm drill staying in touch with Erika and my other best friend his name is Christian. Me and him met in art in 8th grade. He is a cool dude. But really they are the only people who I experienced little to no drama from. And that's the kind of people I like to hang out with. So if you find yourself getting into a lot of drama and stupid crap, just think it might be the people you hang out with... So if you want to avoid drama, make sure you surround yourself with good people.

Hoped this helped:)
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