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Alrighty, lets get right into it!

22) class schedule changes!

So during the first week or so of school, everybody is still adjusting. The administrators are still getting kids into the right classes and its just a big confusion. And you might be one of the kids that get a new class schedule. It's not bad. It's just that they need to make sure there are not over flowed classes or classes with not enough students. Now if this does happen to you. DO NOT FREAK OUT! It's gonna be okay. You might make new friends in that class. So just go with the flow! And just keep swimming;)

23) be creative and outgoing!

It is so important to be creative and outgoing. Try our for sports or cheer. Going clubs! Do extra curricular activities! Have fun! And enjoy your self! Do what makes you happy, and comfortable. Middle school is so awkward , so just embrace the awkwardness of it. :)

Find joy in the ordinary.

The average middle schooler(The guide to survive in middle school)Where stories live. Discover now