crushes part 1

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to tell or not to tell.

probably the toughest decision when it comes to crushes is deciding if you should tell them or not.

if you're planning on telling your person of intrest-

id suggest to tell them in a place rather privet. because if you do it with lots of people around, or with your friends around you have a chance of two things happening

1)if they do like you, they might think if was a dare from your friends to do it

2) if they don't like you-they might try to embarrass you infront of everyone.

therefore I suggest telling your true feelings in a privet area where the person can take you seriously.

be confidant. this is something you have to prepare for! this is a desscion that can change a lot of things. and whether you like the response you get or not, you're gonna have to be okay with it. and know that just because the person dosent like you back, it dose not make you any less amazing!! you're a wonderful person and you will find the right person one day, this just may not be the time.

before even telling them, maybe try hinting at the fact that you like them first. make smallbut obvious kind of gestures. try to get little more closer to them, complement them. you know butter them up a bit. and see if theyback away at these small things, then maybe they might not be into you, and save your self the heart break. but if they don't seem to be shying away, maybe they are into you. and maybe you should share your feelings.

whether it be a boy or a girl you're crushing on, everyone gets nervous sharing their true feelings!

I hoped this helped! if you want more vote and comment. thank you:)

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