making friends

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instagram: guidetosurvive

hashtag challange-


upload a photo of you and your bestie! could be your best friend, could be your pet! get creative! and don't forget to use the hashtag #gtsbesties so I can find it. my favorites will be screen shot and uploaded to my instagram.

so making friends... here are some key points to keep in mind when you see someone who could be a potental friend.

-"all about me"

people loooooovvvveee talking about themselfs, you may not realize it but its true. sometimes we do it with out even knowing it. I learned the best way to have a successful converstation is to find something the person has an interest in and ask them about it. and see if there is anything you have in common.

-common sense

when you hear someone talking about something you like, such as (tv show, movie, blog, book series, stores, sport, youtube channels)anything like that. it would be foolishness to not try to talk to them. the point here is to try to make friends. so if people have something in common with you, there is a like chance a friendship could start from that.

-smile, and don't bite.

smile,smile,smile,smile! when you smile you seem more welcoming! don't do a scary over smile kimd of thing where you look too excited, but a natural like "of hey there" kind of smile! and by don't bite, I mean if you see someone trying to talk to you, don't be rude. even if you don't think you want to be friends with them, give people a chance and don't judge by their cover. don't be a simon cowell to a susan boyal.


those are my main points on what to do when you want to try to make can be hard, expecially at school. so don't be scared, people are just as nervous as you. get out of your box and say hi! it took me way to long to start doing that, and I still have to work at it... just know not everyone may be nice. but when someone is rude to you don't be rude back. they ,ight be going through something... or they just might be a bitter person... the point is don't give up! the first day may seen rough , but you willget through it! trust me I know you can!

thanks for reading. comment or message me for questions and request. don't forget to do the instagram challange:) have a great day!

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