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Alright, so this is gonna be a little long, may even have more then one part... Hope you enjoy:)

Friends... They are always great to have, just make sure you choose the right ones. There are always going to be friends that are only there for just a little bit. I don't know how the quote goes, but there's a quote saying that some friends are for a season but some for a lifetime. And that quote really is true! Some friends you may have will be with you forever, or for a long time. But most of them, will just be there for a couple of months. In middle school it's really hard to actually trust people. It's all about drama, and the preps and who's dating who and crap! It's annoying! But that's why it's important to find one person, two people at the most, you really trust. I mean like seriously trust! When you meet people in middle school it's hard to tell who you can tell certain stuff to. And I always say that people you just have a quick talk to in the hallway, but don't really hang out. Those are "Acquaintances" and an acquaintance is someone you slightly know. Like if you meet "Sally"(making up names here) and you just met her in class start talking and find out she's pretty school. But would you tell her your secrets? No, right! But your best friend you tell everything too. What I'm trying to say here is that just because you talk to someone and you think you know them, you really don't! People that meet me for the first time think I'm really shy and don't know the actual me. But when I'm in my comfortable surrounding and with people I know , I'm am my crazy self! So when you meet a "Sally" don't automatically assume your best friends. Give someone time to earn your trust and show you that they can be trusted. Even at that point still be skeptical! Because do you really want to get back stabbed or embarrassed because you weren't carful with who you trusted? I'm not saying don't be friend with "Sally", I'm just saying give it a bit before you actually can call "Sally" a real friend.

I know it's not that long, I have just had a lot work with exams and all. Hope you liked it, I thinking of doing more of this friend stuff, it you like it.

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