fighting with friends

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we have all had disagreements with our friends, have we not? its normal, there are going to be things you disagree about.

so next time you get in an argument with your friend ask your self this-

what are you fighting about exactly?

most of the time, if you really tjink about what you're fighting about, you'll realize that its really just a waiste of time. in the moment a lot of things seem as if they are really important, or what your friend did seems really bad. but in reality, its useless using your time and energy to fight about it.

that really is the main question you should be asking yourself. sometimes in the heat of the moment, when things seem to be horribly wrong, you say stupid things, do stupid things. and it could cause you to lose a good friend.

disagreeing is totally normal. but make sure you disagree in a mature way, a way that you won't act like a kid and ignore your friend for like 3 days because they did something silly that doesn't mean anything.

hoped this helped. leave comments, questions. and if there's advice you want, comment or messge me.

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