starting new

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so starting at a new school is terrifying. And if you don't know anyone it can make the experience even worse. my freshmen year of high school... I was so lost, but only in the begining. for the 2& 1/2weeks of school I ate lunch alone. not going to sugar coat it, I was so sad. its sucks being new. my high school is in a completely different district then my middle and elementry school. and what really sucked is that all the people who went to middle school together already had their clicks. it took a bit till I figured out where I feel I fit in. over the summer I had picked my classes. and for an elective I had picked band. and I had never done band, I wanted to try something new. little did I know that I would not like it at all. I went there and eveyone already knew each other, people already had experiance in band and I had none. the second day of school I did what ended up being the best choice for me. I decided to sign a request to switch out of band and into musical theatre. ( PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I MADE THESE CHOICES FOR MYSELF. I CHECKED WITH MY PARENTS BEFORE SWITCHING CLASSES. AND I MADE THE CHANGES WITH WHAT I THOUGHT WOULD BE BEST FOR ME, MYSELF, MY PERSONAL CHOICE.)  I know it was a rather rushed opinion but I knew band wouldn't be any fun for me. the fourth day of school I got my new schedule which no longer had band and included AMT(american musical theatre). and it was the best decision. my first day in musical theatre I was no nervous, it kimda felt like the first day of school all over again. but the nervous feeling went away immediately. I knew that is where I'm supposed to be!

the point of the story it that you will find a great group of people. mine just happen to be in a theatre and represent troupe 2564(our drama club group). starting at a new school is gonna be scary let's face it. but everything is going to be okay in the end! 

and once you find you're groupe, the making friend part will be a peice of cake! just think of the things that interest you, and pick those things closest to it as an elective, or do the club, you're bound to find friend. and if that doesn't work don't be afraid to put yourself out there. realize people are just as nervous and scared as you are. even if they try to act all badass or better then you, its an act.

well, if you  have any questions,request, want advice, or just want to talk. feel free to comment or message me:) have a lovely day.

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