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Alrighty. So you got some tips, but there are still some basics you should know. So lets continue.

6) the uniforms....

Everyone hates the uniforms, but you can always spice it up a bit. When you wear your uniform add some accessories such as

For girls-







Nail polish

Hair styles



For a guy-

(I'm not a guy so I'm just gonna give something's that I think might help)





Back pack

I mean I know for the guys my list was not that helpful, but those are just suggestions to get the ball rolling for you. Your style is how you express yourself. And just because you have uniform doesn't mean you can spice it up, just do it in a school friendly way, because you don't want to get I trouble for something as silly as dress code.

7) classes

In middle school, depends on your school, but you will have 6 or 7 classes. At my school there are 6 classes everyday. Getting to know your schedule is VERY important! I suggest getting a map of the school, and what I do is highlight my classes and a way to get there, so I already have a plan. Once you get in 7th and 8th grade, you usually know the school pretty well, so you might not have to do that. Now for your actual classes, your gonna have math, history, science, language arts. And following those classes , you will have electives. My current electives are concert chorus and art. When you pick your electives, pick something you would really enjoy. And I usually plan ahead with my friends so we can have the same classes, it's always better to have someone you know , doing something you enjoy! Also when picking elective keep in mind that some electives can give you high school credit! That is always helpful, and high school credit is important, ask you guidance councilor for more information if you want to know more about high school credit.

8) How are you getting to school?

There's many ways to get to school, such as walking/biking, carpooling, or the bus. If your walking/biking, try to have a friend with you that you can meet up with, it makes the walk less boring. Also carpooling is a good idea when your parents can't take you or your bus is running late, or maybe you just don't want to walk. The bus is always another option. Now I'm not going to try to scare you but there are many things to look out for on the bus.( all I'm about to tell you is from my own experience.) on the bus , there are bullies, there so annoying as all bullies can be. Now bullies on the bus can get pretty violent, and when they start to really bother you tell someone! I'm not even kidding, it's something you shouldn't have to deal with and should be stopped! There are so many stories I have, but I don't want to take too long on this, if you want me to write about my bus stories tell me in the comments. Another thing to watch out on busses are roaches! Some bus drivers don't care about it, but kids do! I know I don't want roaches crawling all over me and laying eggs in my bag! I also have stories about roaches... Just saying. And you bus driver, they can be laid back and easy going, strict and rude, or just plain mean! Most bus drivers I have had are pretty cool, they play the radio and let us just chill and have fun, I hope that's the kind you get! And another way to get to school is having your parents drive you. I know what your thinking " that's so lame, I don't want to be seen with my parents!" But really I love having my parents drive me! When my parents take me , I can just take an extra hour nap(yes I live an hour away from my school) I can talk with them about what ever is on my mind, and I'm also the kind of child who doesn't mind being around their parents. I know some people aren't, and to those people , give your parents a chance! They can be pretty awesome! So no matter what way you get to school make sure you have a way to get to school!

I know I didn't write much, but those are just a few tips to know before you enter middle school. Let me know if there's any questions you have! Or if you want me to tell you my bus stories(some are pretty funny!) or just let me know if you enjoy it! I hope your actually gaining from this and this helps you! Please vote, comment

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