Bus stories #2

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Here's another bus story. Leave a comment, how's school going so far, best and worst?

In 7th grade I was getting on the bus with my friends. And we lived an hour away from the school . And some how we always ended up with some crappy, ghetto bus. And this time the bus was no exception, it was even crappier! So we get on and see cockroaches crawling on the walls and water leaking from the roof. And there's no air so it's hot as hell! And so we go sit down and we are all in fetal positions! And we have to sit like that for an hour!!!! And the bus is driving, and we hit a speed bump. And one of my friends, was caught off guard and falls in between the seats! And me and my other friend are laughing so hard! And ae got stuck!! It was so funny! And we try to get her up. And then I tickle her back and she freaked out thinking it was a cockroach crawling up her back! And she's screaming and the bus driver can't hear us because everyone else is talking so loudly! So we finally get her unstuck. And she was paranoid for the rest of the ride, and I already told her it was me. That bus ride was really funny.

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