Talking to people

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So your in a new place with a bunch of new people! Talking to people can be pretty nerve racking... So here are some tips for keeping it cool.

So your nervous, you see someone who seems nice. You want to talk to them but you don't want to seem like a complete loser. So you try to think of a quick witty line... Here are some of my favorite

You: do you know how much a polar bear weighs?
Them: no, how much?
You: enough to break the ice, hi my name is (your name)

You:my mom says I shouldn't talk to strangers, but you don't seem scary!

You could do some funny line, or you could do a simple "hello", it's not hard. Remember your in middle school. I mean really anytime in your life. But middle school, it's awkward. That's really the way to Sum it up. Everyone is nervous! No matter what they say, they are! Just try saying hello! I mean, you must have talked to people before. Just take a breath, and be yourself. If they ignore you. Or act like their better the you. There not worth your time to keep trying to talk to. Also, who cares if their "popular", talk to who ever you want! I mean, my best guy friends where the "popular guys" I always got a long with them. And to speak of it, my best guy friend Christian was one of the popular guys at school. And me and his are still close! So give every person a chance. You never know that shy girl in the back of the class may be your new best friend. Or that nerdy guy who gets a's all the time. Could be your new friend! Or maybe the "mean girl" really has a heart of gold, you just need to give her a chance. And same with the weed smoking guy who skips class. Maybe he just needs someone to talk too. Don't judge a book by their cover. And don't be nervous to talk to anybody. They are all people, flawed human beings just like you!

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