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I don't really know how to describe this chapter. But as you can tell from the title is about introverts. I myself am one. So I guess we will figure out what this is about along the way. Leave a comment, are you introverted or extroverted?

Introverts. People often get it confused with shyness. Being an introvert does not always mean your a shy person.

This was the definition from google.
a person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things.))

This was the definition from urban dictionary
((Opposite of extrovert. A person who is energized by spending time alone. Often found in their homes, libraries, quiet parks that not many people know about, or other secluded places, introverts like to think and be alone.

Contrary to popular belief, not all introverts are shy. Some may have great social lives and love talking to their friends but just need some time to be alone to "recharge" afterwards. The word "Introvert" has negative connotations that need to be destroyed. Introverts are simply misunderstood because the majority of the population consists of extroverts.
Extrovert: Oh my god, you're so shy! You need to get out more!
Introvert: But it's so draining - I don't have a problem with going out; I just want to stay at home and read sometimes, y'know? ))

If you're still confused on what exactly an introvert is, let me try to help explain it more.

For me, when I'm tired I like to be alone and listen to music. I like to not be disturbed by anyone. And just have time to think to my self. Spending time alone gives me energy. The kind of energy I get from being alone is the kind of energy extroverted people get after hanging with people. Extroverted people feel the need to always be around people and enjoy that kind of company most if not all the time. Now don't get me wrong. I am a social butterfly! I absolutely love meeting new people, but after a long day of school, or socializing. I need time to just be alone. Socializing is enjoyable to me, but after a while us draining. Always feeling the need to put a smile on even when you just want to curl up in a ball and do nothing. Or feeling the need to make small talk and pointless conversations that lead to no where just because its polite. When I make a conversation, it's because I want to get something out of it. I want to learn nothing new and feel like there's a reason to be talking. I don't find the need to talk just to talk. I enjoy silence, and I don't think all silence is awkward and that silence is beautiful, and that people need to know that! Introverts are almost looked down upon people in society. Our society is filled with extroverted people. So much so that introverts often act as one just to be able to survive. In school and in business, constant human interaction is made everyday. And introverts become "closet introverts." I read this one quote it said "in society, introverts often feel like actors" and it made so much sense! You see, in middle school, my 6th grade year. I was my introverted self. I didn't talk much. And I didn't feel comfortable around people until I got to know them. I observed a lot. Like a wall flower. And I learned a lot about people. And the people that I saw that seem like I would get a long with. I would talk to them. And for me, talking to people is kinda scary. I don't mind talking to people, it's just making the first move to talk to them. It takes a lot of courage to talk to people. But once I got the first "hi I'm Paige" out everything else went smoothly. I made some good friends that year. In 7th grade. I was a little more comfortable with my school and the people around me, so I did more talking and made more friends. And in 8th grade, I tried my best to be extroverted. Oh course I still did my observing wall flower thing, because that's just who I am, I can't change that about me. But during lunch and stuff, I would go around and talk to people. And just try to be friendly. The whole point of saying that was because I know other people may be struggling with making friends. And may be wondering why they feel so drained and tired after a school. So when you find yourself feeling like that, like you just NEED to be alone, take a step back. And tell your self it's okay to be alone. Other people feel that way. And just because people are going bowling or to the movies Friday or Saturday, doesn't mean you have to. Also another thing. Extroverted people, can be shy. Just because they enjoy hanging out with people, doesn't mean they don't get shy or nervous around people. Being introverted or extroverted simply means whether or not they need time alone to recharge or need to be with people to recharge.

Thanks for reading:) I hope this helped, or you enjoyed it. Maybe you learned something new about yourself or someone else. Please vote and comment:)) follow me and feel free to message me:) I up for any conversation:)))!!!

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