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Someone asked me if I could do a chapter about this. So here it goes... Leave a comment, what's your opinion on love?

(Just so we get this covered. This is all my opinion. We all have our own opinion and I'm entitled to mine.)

So I'm just going to jump right into it and say it. Child. That is what you are. You're under 18 so yea, by law you are a child! And I talk to my friend Christian about this a lot. Because he has a girlfriend and he's 14. And I know what your thinking, so what he's old enough to have a girlfriend. Call me old fashion, but I just don't think so. In middle school, everywhere I turned I saw people holding hands, kissing, you know doing couple kind of stuff. And I'm not gonna lie,I really liked this one guy. And yea it would have been awesome to be called his "girlfriend" but what's the point. Middle school relationships are so awkward. Like all you do is hold hand, walk each other down the hallway. You don't really go on "dates" because your parents are driving you everywhere. So lets say I did become his girlfriend. Now what? We hold hand down the hall way? He carries my books? Like big whoop! And this kind of topic gets me heated a little because you have children going around saying "I love you " to each other. When yet they barely know each other. And you know how in the movies they have like the boyfriend and girlfriends, and one of them pressures the other into sex or sending nude pictures. Yea that's not just in the movies. That's actually happens if you didn't know. I knew this girl who was a "prep" or "popular" girl. And her boyfriend was like "send me a sexy picture, I won't show anybody." And this chick actually believed him and she sent the picture and he sent it to all his friends and it went around the school. And when the schools find out that the guy shared it he got in trouble. Yea that's right, the school can get involved. And another girl had sex with some guy from school. It was like the last 2 weeks of school and the both got in huge trouble because they are under the legal age, or something like that. And I noticed that middle school is SOOOOOOOOOO small. It really is. You make think there's a lot of people, but rumors spread like wild fire. And a rumor can go out during first period and it can become the talk at lunch. So for like love and boyfriend and girlfriend and pointless relationships. Just be careful. And really think, is it worth waisting your time? What if he/she is not what you thought. What if they pressure you to do something you don't want to? I mean it's your choice you do what you want, but just keep in mind, your how old, like 11-14 you have your WHOLE life to worry about relationships and crap. Just enjoy yourself and be a kid! Enjoy these years where your parents drive you places, and you don't have to worry about being "cute" all the time!

Thanks for reading. Leave comments on your opinion! Message me and vote please!

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