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Instagram: guidetosurvive

hashtag challange-


upload a selfie of you and your friends doing some crazy faces or poses using the hashtag #gtscoolkids so I can find it, and my favorites will be screen shot on put on my instagram.


to be or not to be popular.... there are different kinds of popular. there's a good kind of popular, and a bad kind of popular. of course the stardards vary with each person. to me a bad popular, is the mean girl type of popular. okay, so everyone I'm pretty sure is familiar with the great movie Mean Girls. (if you haven't seen it, you should) so you could be Regina Gorege popular, which I feel is a bad popular. or you could be a good popular. which is pretty much the oppisite of Regina Gorege. I was never a popular person per say. but I hung out with a lot of the people considered popular. my bestfriend was actually a popular guy. and most of his friends were too. but after middle school, and into high school. its a much bigger world, and there is a chance you won't be popular. I just want you to keep in mind that popularity does not last. and really it not important at all!!!!!!! what is important is your well being, your families well being, good friends, your grades. those are the things you should put on the top of your priority list. and I know to who requested this chapter, you wanted tips on how to get popular. id have to say, just talk to people, a lot of people. and be friendly.

there was this girl I knew. she was consummed in the idea of being popular. she made that her one priority. and she became really mean. to her friends, and the way she treatedher parents. it was disgusting.by the end of the year she had no friends. and it was because she was so obbessesed trying to be popular. so my point is, if for some reason you are obbessed with being popular too (which I'm not judging you atall, you do you and rock it!) just make sure you realize who your real friends are and don't lose who you are to fit in with a small group of people who will drop you like a fly in a minute.

thanks for reading. vote comment and message me for request. don't forget to do the hashtag challange. good luck at school you guys! you got this!!!!

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