Chapter Six- "I'm So Sorry!"

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***May Contain Mistakes***


He quickly got out bed with an angry look on his face. I stare at him for quite some time. Eventually, my eyes close shut.

"Look what a mess you made!" He yell.

"I'm so sorry!" I shout while covering my eyes.

I could practically fell him coming closer and closer towards me. "Why are you covering your eyes?"

He gently move my hands away. He was wearing boxers this whole time.

"Yikes." I whisper.

"Aren't you going to clean it up?"

"Oh!" I rush into the kitchen to grab some paper towels and the trash can. Going back into the room, he went on his phone.

I bend down and started picking up the glass pieces. "Ow!" I yelp. Blood drew up from my finger.

Mr. Jones quickly looks up. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's nothing." I respond. I looked up at his stomach and saw his abs.

"You fucking cut your hands, didn't you?"

"No it's okay. It just a scratch"

He leads me into his bathroom and set me down on the toilet seat. He started looking for bandages.

"You don't have to—"

"Shut up." he cut me off.

After 5 minutes, he finished treating my hand and put up everything back in the cabinet.

"Thank you."

"You are really clumsy. " Mr. Jones reply.

"Yes. I know and I am so sorry. I was careless and stupid—"

"I didn't said stupid." He cut off again.

"I'll clean up the rest. Just make me another one."

I went into the kitchen and poured another cup of coffee and set it down on the counter. I waited for 20 minutes until he finally came out.

Mr. Jones wore a black suit and his hair still look wet.

He went into the kitchen and started cooking. I began to feel really tired and didn't realized I dozed off.


"Get up." He say. I lifted my head up and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm sorry--"

"You've only been sleeping for 5 minutes. It's okay."

"Oh..." Mr. Jones set down two plates of breakfast on the counter and two cups of orange juice.

"Eat." He says. I looked at the food and saw a plate of pancakes with eggs and bacon.

"No, thank you. I'm not hungry."

"Eat or I will fire you." he says with straight face.

I picked up the fork and started eating. It tasted really good.

After, he picked up the plates and put it in the sink.

"That's a good girl." He walks away from me and put on his jacket.

So rude.


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