Chapter TwentyFive~ His Younger Brother

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*****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors***
"......Nothing lasts forever. Not only happiness, but also sadness will pass by, too..." ~ Beating Again
•••Olivia POV•••

I finally woke up to darkness surrounding my eyes. I opened my heavy eyes and saw two men standing next to me, just staring at me. Oh no. Who are they?
•10:56 AM•

I woke again in Jasper's dark bedroom, feeling very refreshed. I stood up from the bed, lifting my arms up.

I twisted my small foot in circular motion. "Oh. My foot surprisingly feels better. The cream actually worked." I yawed as I walked out of the room, searching for Jasper.

"Where is he?" I thought. The house is so quiet like a sleeping baby. Too quiet...
Great, I'm all alone. I began scratching my head, staring at the ceiling. What should I do then? I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards the bathroom. I slowly opened the door and heard a deep voice.

"Hello Love." A voice called out. OMG. Jasper?

Wait a second. That doesn't really sound like him. I jumped and saw a man standing next to the shower...with only a towel on, showing his 6-Pack. That's definitely not Jasper. Oh Geez...

He slowly walked towards me and started examining me. "So you're the lovely Olivia." The stranger said as he licked his lips. Wow. He's definitely from England. His accent is as thick as Jasper's.

I backed away from the man, stepping out of the bathroom. He looks like he's about to attack me any second. But instead, he gently gripped onto my hand and gave it a soft kiss.
But I'm not even going to lie, he's the most beautiful stranger I ever met.

Trying my best not to pay attention to his naked body. Ugh! The towel looks it's about to fall off any second. Er..This is so awkward. He's  like another copy of Jasper. I glanced away from the man and stared at the floor.

He used his hand to lift my head up. "Wow..You're even beautiful in person." He continued. I stared at him like I'm staring into his soul.

"Soo..." He said as he clapped his hands. "You're the girl who is banging Jasper?" He quickly said. He furrowed his eyebrows and moved closer to me.

"W-What?" I whispered. "N-no! Nothing like that."

I tried to back away from him again until I slipped on my bandage. He gripped onto my arm and lifted my body before I reached the ground. He's strong too. My body pressed upon his torso.

"Well, Aren't you a clumsy girl?" He stated. A small smile spread across his face. I swallowed a lump in throat, staring at his beautiful features.

All of sudden, the door flew opened by another beautiful man. Yay It's Jasper. He wore a White T Shirt with Black Skinny Jeans. He walked inside the apartment, carrying bags full of groceries and closed the door. He turned around and saw us.

"What the fuck Eli?" He mumbled. His voice sounds so quiet. He went inside the kitchen to put down the bags and circled back to the hallway.

"What? She f-fell---"
"Put her down." Jasper whispered. Eli peered at me and slowly put me down on the floor.

"Put on some clothes, dude."
"Chill, I'm about to take a shower." Both of them walked into the living room and sat on the couch, watching TV.

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