Chapter Twenty~ Petrov Part 1

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******May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****


"You Have This Incredible Way Of Making My Heart Happy."~ Love Quote
••••Olivia POV•••

Oh no. The police arrested Jasper! Ugh...That sick bastard! I'm seriously going to kill Petrov.
•20 minutes later•
After they arrested Jasper, I took the bus to the Police station. Since the bus doesn't exactly stop at the station, I ran four blocks, like I'm a marathoner. Finally I saw the small Police Station, standing next to a supermarket. I think this is where they holding Jasper. It is the closest one.

I slowly jogged inside the sliding doors feeling the cold breeze brush pass my sweaty skin. I tiptoed up to the front desk and started tapping on the desk. I can't help it, I'm anxious.

"What do you need Ma'am." The officer asked. He began typing on his black computer. I stood there, trying to catch my breath. Inhale..Exhale.

"Huh..Er..Okay..I'm looking for Jasper Jones. He's just been--" I responded.

"Olivia..Hey!" Another guy yelled. That voice sounds so familiar. Too familiar. I turned to around. It's Petrov. My eyes widened. He walked up to me and put his arm around my waist.

"Don't worry." He said to the guy. "She's with me." Not giving me a choice, he pulled me towards the door to the interrogation room. There I saw Jasper in his leather jacket, slouching on his chair.

"Olivia." He whispered. He ran towards me and pulled Petrov hand off my waist. They both glared at each other like they are ready to fight.

"You okay?" He whispered into my ear. I nodded in response. Jasper gripped onto my small arm.

"Okay." He lead me into the room and made me sit on one of the black chairs. Petrov followed us and sat next to me. Jasper looked at him in disgust.

"Get up." He muttered.
"Okay..okay." Petrov answered. He moved down one seat so Jasper could sit next to me.
•1 Hour later•

After an hour of a boring lecture, the officer discussed the charges that Petrov had filed. Petrov sure had over-exaggerated.

"Assault and battery?" I yelled, interrupting the officer. "He's the one who hit him first!"

Jasper tugged on my shirt. "Shh..." He said putting his finger on lips.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

Afterwards, the officer left to file some reports and left Petrov and Jasper in the same room. Bad idea. Especially, they took off the handcuffs off of Jasper.
Petrov turned towards Jasper, but he wasn't looking back. He's just staring at the wall.

"So.." Petrov said.

"You are a piece of shit." Jasper cursed out. His hand ran through his curly hair.

"Maybe." Petrov answered. "You should've gave me Olivia."

Jasper began staring at him. "So this is about Olivia? Are you fucking---"

"How about this?" Petrov responded. Petrov got from his chair and stood in front of of us.

"Вы даете мне Оливия . И я снял обвинения."

"Are you fucking serious?" Jasper screamed. He got up from his chair and pushed him against the wall. Wait what did he say? I don't understand Russian. I barely could write a two page essay.

I stood up from my chair and got in between them. "Wait, what did he say?" I asked. Jasper kept on staring at Petrov.

"This dumb fuck said he would drop the charges if I give you to him."

"What?" I whispered. Oh great. Well I have to go to Petrov. If I don't go, Jasper could go to jail! If you saw Jasper's record, it's bad. Like really bad. Bar fights to multiple assaults.

"I'll go." I mumbled. Jasper turned around, looking shocked.

"Olivia.." He whispered. He put both of his big hands on my shoulders.

"So deal--?" Petrov interrupted.

"Shut...Up." Jasper talked back. Petrov lifted his hands and backed away from the wall. Jasper moved closer to me and whispered in my right ear. He's too tall enough to even reach my head.

"Olivia, you don't have to do this for me."
"I want to."

"Olivia, this is my mistake. I should pay for it."

"I've seen your track record." I explained. "Seriously? Peeing in public." Jasper turned away, twisting his lip.

"That was difficult time for me." A difficult time? I wonder what happened.
I grabbed Jasper's arm to make him look at me.

"It's okay." I said while looking at him. I gave a small smile at him and slowly walked away from Jasper to Petrov.

"Okay, fine I'll go with you."
•••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed:)•••••


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