Chapter Thirteen- "Jasper Jones Is Back"

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********May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors******


"I Love You And I Will Never Stop Loving You." ~Jasper Jones
••••Jasper POV•••

Everything is white.
Where am I?

I turned around to look what's behind me. Nothing-just a background of white. Wait? Am I heaven? No..No I can't die now. I haven't even said goodbye to my father or Olivia.

But maybe I would find mom in heaven. I started rubbing my sweaty forehead. No, Stop speaking bullshit. I going to die but not today.

I began walking towards the dark side opposing the brighter light. I started walking, then running then sprinting.

It began getting darker and darker but I didn't care.

"I'm coming Olivia. I'm coming."

•One Week Later•
I woke by hearing a loud speaker. CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE!

I opened my heavy eyes, realizing I'm in a hospital. I slowly moved my head to right. There, I saw Olivia sleeping on a black, small sofa with her face down on my bed.

Her black, curly hair is tied up into a messy, small bun. She's also wearing a Daredevil T-Shirt with black jennings. She's sleeping so quiet like a sleepy kitten. Aww.

I looked outside in the grey window behind me. Everything is so dark. I can't see a thing. I looked around and saw clothes everywhere and the trash is full of food and wrappers.
Olivia been here all day long.

I tried to talk to her but something interrupted me. My wound started hurting. I grip the bedsheets to help pull myself up. I grabbed one of the pillow from my bed and placed it near my back.

"Ow, Shit!" I muttered. All of sudden, I began to hear grunting noises. I turned my head to Olivia. Olivia woke up.

She lift her head up and put one hand on her face. She'd began rubbing her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes began to widened like she saw a ghost.

"Oh my gosh, DOCTOR DOCTOR!" She screamed. "He's awake!" She quickly got up from her chair and ran out of the room.

"Nice to see you too." I mumbled.

•2 hours later•
For the past 2 hours, the nurse gave me a check up and more pain killers. Moments later when the nurse left, I started staring at Olivia.

She looks like she's been crying all day long. Dark circles surrounded her eyes like she hadn't slept in years. Her skin looks so pale like she hadn't stepped outside in days.

"You had me worried there." She chuckled. "I thought you were going to die." She quickly sat back on down on the lumpy chair.

I focused my eyes to her. "I'm going to die but not today not now...Plus, I would never leave you without making sure you are okay."

Her pale cheeks began to turn red like a tomato. She's blushing.

"Yeah, I guess." She whispered. She began smiling, showing her braced teeth.

Her eyes focused on the floor, not making eye contact with me. She began twisting her lip constantly. I could tell she feels awkward.

"Well, I'm glad you are okay." She said moments later.

"I glad YOUR okay." I stated. "Did he hurt you?"
"Oh No, I'm okay." She answered. "After he shot you, he just drove away. But umm."

"What?" I began to look at with a straight face. It looks like she have something on her mind.

"Do you remember what you said to me, after you got shot?" Her eyes began to focus on me. Oh no, she remembers.

"Ummm, no I don't think so." I replied back. I began scratching my head constantly.

"Are you sure because I--"
"Sorry I don't remember." I quickly cut her off.

There was a moment of silence. "Oh okay, sorry for bring it up."

I ignored her comment and grabbed the remote from the edge of the bed. I pressed the power button while pointing it towards the TV. The Telly turn on, showing the
Hello and welcome to the 10:00 o'clock news. I am Eric Summers and I'm here with Rose Samson.

Thank you Eric and Today the CEO of Eric's Foundation, Jasper Jones woke up 2 hours ago from a shooting that happened last Tuesday at 3:45 PM. The police said that it was a hit and run and the shooter only fired 1 bullet at the side of his stomach. Doctors say it was a miracle. His current status is alive and is recovering at Washington Grace Hospital.
We'd also talked to some people who knew him personally.

Wilson Grace
"That bastard doesn't even deserve to live! He's an arrogant, manipulative person who have daddy issues."

Another person named Lila said and I quote

"Jasper Jones used me like I am toy. We've been dating for 2 months and he'd cheated on me multiple times with a girl named Olivia Black or Grey whatever. So I dumped his sorry a$$! Olivia if you are watching this stay away from my man!---"
I quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the Telly.
"That stupid bitch!" I yelled. I turned to Olivia looking at her confused face.

"Wow..Umm, Ex-girlfriend?" She said while pointing at the TV. 

"A girl who I fucked a few times" I stated. "But she was never my girlfriend." She'd began shaking her head liked she understood but clearly she didn't.

"I could see that you don't have many--"
"Friends?" I shot back at her.
"No..umm..I didn't mean...---"
"I know what you meant.. But I have you don't I?"
I gave a small smirk. Her cheeks began turning red again.

"Okay for now on, we are going to change everything up. Olivia!" She quickly turned her head towards me with her brown eyes. "Pay attention. Start firing 10-15 workers from the company or any workers who took more than 3 vacation days. Also, fire Bronte. I never liked her. She was weird in bed. If any one complains, FIRE them or suspend them from any practice. Time to do this MY way." She took out a pen and paper from her bag and wrote everything down.

"Jasper Jones is back bitches." I said. "Get ready."

•••••I Hope You Enjoyed:)•••••
•••••Sorry About Any Grammar Errors••••••


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