Chapter ThirtyThree- Charm

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****
"I'm A Man Who's Holding A Pretty Flower.."~ Seungri Big Bang(Bae Bae)
•••Olivia POV•••

After Jasper left, I just laid on bed all day in my SuperMan PJ's. Just thinking... JASPER CAME BACK! I kept on thinking. HE CAME BACK and EVEN VISITED ME. I haven't seen that guy IN 6 MONTHS! And he just shows up out of the blue, barely explaining anything.

I know I say this a lot. But seriously I need my parents. Even though they are dead.

My life is way too complicated to handle. I mean, what is my relationship status? Boyfriend? Lover? Or A Crush? I don't even know what to call him.

If I had parents, they would give me some advice on how not to screw up my life. But I mean.. I don't regret meeting Jasper. Sometimes, I feel really happy with him. It's just that.. I never expected for this to be the outlook.

Jasper Jones, son of a billionaire fell in love with a poor girl who lost her parents when she was a baby and now he's being chased by a group of people (who won't stop, until he's dead). Sounds like a adventure story.
Anyways, I'm so glad tomorrow is Saturday. Now I get to rest all day, without my work bothering me. Staying in my bed, just watching my favorite dramas, eating, and sleeping.
•Saturday 9:41 AM•

While I was asleep, I woke up to small thumping in apartment. "What's that?" I whispered. I opened my eyes and saw a large shadow. Please don't tell me who I think it is.

I quickly got up my bed, turning on the light. Jasper... "Jasper?" I grunted.

He stood there, smiling. "Hey..You're awake." He walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead unexpectedly.

He ran into the kitchen, putting bags of groceries on my counter. He wore a Brown Shirt with Ripped Up Jeans.

I followed him, with a shocked expression on my face.

"H-How did you get inside my house?" I asked pointing at my door.

He turned around then continued taking out the items from the bags. "Oh.. I climbed through the window."


I ran towards my window and saw it opened. "T-This is so high up....H-How?--" I stuttered.

"The door was locked. And I didn't want to disturb you.." He mumbled.

I strolled over to the kitchen, staring at him.

"I'm going to make some breakfast. Okay?" He said. He grinned at me, while walking to the stove.

"O-Okay.. I-I'm, I'm just going to brush my teeth." I slowly walked to the bathroom and closed the door with my back leaning on it.

"How in the world he climbed 100 feet while carrying bags of groceries?" I thought. "That's actually pretty amazing."
After I finished washing up, I found Jasper cooking eggs on the stove.

He glanced at me for a second. "Aren't you cold? It's 30 degrees outside."

I looked down, realizing I'm only wearing a giant T-Shirt with shorts. I covered myself up using my arms.

"I'm okay.." I replied as I walked to counter. Seconds later, I finally spoke up. "Umm..W-Where did you go yesterday?" 

He put down the spatula and walked closer to me. "Why? You missed me?" He smiled at me.

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