Chapter TwentyNine- Jones & Grey

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors***
"Tie Up A Ribbon..." ~Beast (Song: Ribbon)
•••Olivia POV•••

Jasper's..... missing. My eyes began to widened. My heart began to beat faster and faster. At one moment, I couldn't breathe.

Elliot came closer to me, staring at my face. "Olivia you okay?" He asked.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "Yeah... I'm fine."
"You want anything to drink?"
"It's don't have to---"

"I want to. I'll be right back." He gently patted my back and walked out of the room. I got up from the bed, searching for my phone. I picked it from the nightstand and plugged to Elliot's charger.

I pressed on the power button and saw a Unknown number.
Unknown number~
39 missed calls
Hey Olivia.. Jasper's fine and well. But if you want to see him or me, come at this address at 9:00 PM. Make sure you convince them that you're fine so you could get discharge.
Xoxo- Your High School crush, John
P.S- Make you are alone or else Jasper will die:) 709 Rivertown Place.
My body began to panic. My hands and feet started shaking uncontrollably. It's John. The guy I tried to ran away from all my life. My high school stalker.
•Jasper POV•
•Rivertown Place•

"Man, you are really good at taking beatings." He screamed. "If I did this to other people, they would been dead."

I opened my blurry eyes and saw that I was in the same room. Well at least I'm not dead I thought. I tried moving my body but all you hear me making grunting noises.

I cannot even lift up my head because it will feel like I'm breaking 30 bones all at once. But I think he already gave me a few broken ribs and a million cuts.

If I open my mouth, a waterfall of blood will ooze out. I just feel like I'm taking a bath full of razor blades. Just never ending pain.

The stranger took out his phone and began texting. He began smiling like he was looking at funny videos. "And....send!" He whispered.

He placed his phone in his back pocket and strolled towards me. "We are going to have a visitor today."

"I-Inviting s-someone w-would r-ruin t-the fun w-we are h-having." I joked.

He laughed. "That's cute that you're joking Jasper." He took his phone out of his pocket and showed me the text message.

My body began to panic. She's alive? "No, N-No, you l-leave Olivia o-out of this!" I screamed.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt her." He responded. "I'm only just going to make her watch."
The stranger smiled like a psychopath and ran out the room. I stood there, tied up bleeding to death. At this rate, I might die before I even get to see Olivia.
•••Olivia POV••
•8:47 PM•

After I got discharged, Elliot packed up my stuff and carried it to his car. I tried walking and carry my bag, until he took it out my hand.

"It's okay I could be able to carry it---" I said.
"You already have enough challenges in your life." He smiled.

Elliot opened the car door for me and quickly got inside the drivers seat. He turned on the engine and started driving.

"You okay?" I asked. He wiped his eyes and sighed.
"Well.... My mother risen from the dead and the only person who I complain to and annoy is gone." He said. "Other than that, I'm fine. Just... great."

He took a sip of his room temperature water and put it back down in the cup holder. "You told police right?"

"Yeah... But you know their not going to do shit. All they do is just sit on their asses."

He glanced and saw my worried face. "Jasper's fine, Olivia."
"How do you know that? He could be dead.."
"Jasper seems like an arrogant person because...well he is but he's not the type of person to give up. Especially when he has something live for."

I turned my head and stared at the glistening sky. "Besides, he would never leave his power,  fame or his family behind.. And a special girl named Olivia."

I gave a small smirk. "Weird. All my life, I've never heard that sentence until Jasper came into my life." I whispered.
•Olivia's Apartment•

"Here we go." We pulled up to my run down apartment building. Elliot opened the car door for me and carried my bags to my apartment. I opened the door and we both walked inside.

"This is where you live?" 
"Yep... It looks like a dump. Doesn't it?"
Elliot gave a huge puff of air. "No... It's just.. very damp?"

He put down my bags and stood up. "You want me to stay for a little bit?"

"N-No, don't worry I-It's okay. I'm sure you have other things to do."


He walked closer and gave a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Call me if anything."

I nodded. He smiled at me as he walked away. The door shut closed. I am alone in my quiet apartment...again.

I slowly walked to the bathroom and splashed water on my face, glazing at the mirror. "I have to go. Don't I?" I whispered to myself.

I ran out the bathroom, grabbing my keys and my phone. "It's the only way I could see Jasper." I thought, sighing. And at that moment, I opened my door and ran out of my apartment in flash. Well this is it. No turning back.
•Rivertown Place•

As the car stopped, the taxi pulled up to a storage locker. "What a dark place." I thought. I paid the driver and climbed out the car. The taxi didn't even think twice about driving away.

As soon as I closed the door, the car screened away. Looks like he doesn't want to stay here either. I turned around, examining my surroundings.

I've never been here before. I'm literally in the middle of nowhere. Just a faded road. Not even one tree.

As I slowly walked closer to the door, my heart began to beat faster. I approached the door, slowly pushing it. Inside, I saw three large storage containers.

One of doors had a note taped onto the doorknob addressed to me.
Come On In.. Olivia!:)

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I slowly pushed the door open, while it made a creaking sound.

"Oh my Gosh...No.. Jasper?"
•••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed:)••••
••••There Might Be Some Mistakes•••


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