Chapter FourtyOne- Broken

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors***
"Love Can Make You Happier Than You've Ever Been And Sadder You've Ever Been.. "
•There's Probably Some Mistakes•
•••Olivia POV•••

"So what did she want?" I said to Jasper.

He moved his head slightly to take a glance at me.

Jasper was in the kitchen, making pancakes and bacon.

He paused for second before he answered.

"Um..." He muttered. "She was thinking about investing in my company."

I sat next to the counter, biting my nails. "Really? Nothing else?"

"Are you jealous?" He asked as he flipped over the bacon.

I puffed. "What? No..."

He smiled showing his bright teeth.

Why does it seem like he's hiding something from me? Or I'm just being paranoid?

My phone went off.

I stared at it hoping it will go to voicemail.

"You're not going to answer?" He said as he took out the plates.

"A-Ah. No.." I turned off my phone.

Jasper turned around and set down the plates.

I laid my head on the table. "It's my landlord." I said. "My rent is overdue."
I began to twitch my nails.

Jasper stood there in a daze.

From that awkward moment, I went to the fridge and poured a cup of orange juice.

I closed the door and saw Jasper standing in front of me.

He pushed the hair out of his face. "You know.. Olivia if you need--"

I stared at him confused.

"If you need anything, you know I'm always available."

I gave him a half smile. "I'm fine Jasper."

"And that also includes with financial t-troubles."

I tiptoed to pat his on his shoulder. "Thanks Jasper. But you don't have to worry about me."

I sat back down and took a sip. "But.."

He turned around and focused on me.

"But that really means a lot that you said that."
I took a huge bite of one of the remaining pancakes.

"You like it?" He asked as he watched me eat.

I nodded. "Thanks so much for making me breakfast."

I quickly finished off the last piece.

He pulled a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You're welcome."

After I finished eating, both our eyes met.

Jasper got up at put the plates in the sink. "Okay Olivia."

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