Chapter Seventeen- The Dinner

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******May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors*****

"Every Love Story Is Beautiful."
••••Jasper POV•••

When Olivia left to go and get the Tylenol, I heard my phone ringing. I searched across my bedroom trying to find my IPhone and realized I left it in my black pants from last night. I went to the left side of my bedroom and found my clothes on the floor. I pick up my pants checking all the pockets, then found my ringing phone.

I circled back to my bed and looked to see who is calling me.
Incoming Call
"Son, Remember, we have to go to a Dinner Meeting to propose a new deal with the Russians."
"Okayyy, what time do I have to be there again?"
"8:00 PM Sharp."
"Okay, I'll be there at 9:00"
"Jasper! I'm serious."
"I'm just fucking with you Dad."
I turned my head to the door and saw that Olivia came back with the pills.

"I gotta go, Bye." I quickly hung up the phone and placed in my pocket. 

"I found it." She muttered. Olivia sat next to me, trying to open the bottle with her small hands. She looks like she's having trouble.

"Here let me." I grabbed the bottle out of her hand and opened it. I took out two pills and swallowed both.

I got up and gave her the bottle. "Go ahead and brush your teeth with the extra toothbrush in the mirror." I said. "Also wash up."

I checked my phone and put back in pocket.

"Okay so you have 20 minutes, then we'll leave." She nodded in response. She quickly walked to the bathroom. I grabbed her arm with my right hand and pulled her towards me.

"Hey Olivia."
"Y-Yes?" She replied.
"Would you..."
"Er...Would you like to go to dinner with me?"

Her eyes began to widened. Her face looks so confused.

"I mean not as date." I quickly said. "We have a dinner meeting with the Russians and I want you there." I pointed my index finger at her and let it go.

"But as your assistant?" She answered back. I took two steps closer to her and focused on her eyes.

"I guess, yeah. What? Do you want it more than that?" Her cheeks began to turn red. Aww, she's blushing. I swallowed tightly as I waited for a response.

"No..Er. Its okay." She replied as she gave me a small smile. "When's the dinner?"

"Today at 8:00." I responded. There was a long pause between us. Olivia looked at me with her big eyes and said-
"Okay I'll go."

After I finished getting ready, I drove to Olivia apartment to go and pick her up. When I arrived there, I realized this apartment building looks like a dump. Many birds on the ground eating off of chewed up chicken bones and dirty fries.
"Eww." I thought in disgust. I ran up to Olivia dirty door and knocked three times.

"Olivia!" I screamed out. "Olivia?"
Three seconds later, the door was opened by a gorgeous lady in a black dress.

"Oh..Mr. Jones, Sorry I didn't answered the first time." Olivia stated but I didn't care. She looks so stunning in a dress. This is the first time I'd seen her not wearing her Converse. Olivia is wearing a Black dress below her knees and also Black heels with a White Pearl Necklace. Her hair has big, large curls and she's also wearing a nude colored lipstick. I just could get sick just by looking at her.

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