Chapter TwentyThree- Shower

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****

"I Won't Give Up On You, So Don't Give Up On Me."

•••The Stranger's POV•••

Jasper Jones. The name of my opponent. The name of a person I'm about to kill. But there's something I must know before he dies today. Why is he so close to Olivia? On the second thought, Why is she so close to him?
Olivia is my girl and my girl only!

She only likes one person in the world and that's me. And she's the only person in the world that I love and adore. So why she isn't happy to see me? I thought that letter would make her happy.
•Parking Lot•

I took a sip of my alcohol and put in back in the cup holder, slushing the drink down my dry mouth. I puffed onto my last burning cigarette and threw it out the window.

I followed Jasper for days. Tracking his every slight movement. I know where he lives, works, who he talks to and what car he's drives. Today I waited in the parking lot for the first time just to check him out. And of course to kill him.
I heard another car coming inside. The same car as Jasper's rolled up into the reserved parking lot. Same exact model and same exact license plate. This is my chance. I clocked into my gun, ready to fire. Few seconds later, I saw Jasper getting out the car with a girl what it seems to look like.. Olivia? I squinted my sore eyes and saw it was her.

Are you fucking kidding me? What is she doing here? I can't kill him now. Not in front of her. She would hate me. I turned my keys and the car grumbled to life. I glared out my window. I saw Jasper get in front of Olivia like he was about to kiss her. Both of them aren't moving. Oh hell no! I snapped.

I cranked the car in drive and drove in full speed, trying to knocked over Jasper. But he already pulled himself and Olivia down on the ground, blocking my arrival.

"Shit!" I screamed. It's too late now. I drove out of the parking out, not looking back. I kept on banging my hand on the steering wheel, until it started hurting. I'm so angry right now! Fine then. Another time Jasper Jones. Another time....
••••Jasper POV•••

Someone is following me. For weeks now. I know it. He thinks he's slick. The same truck keeps on following me everywhere I go and the same guy. I know because the same guy who keeps on following me, has the same scar on the left side of his face. I don't believe thats a coincidence.

When I got out the car, I saw the same man in the same black and brown truck in the parking lot. How the hell did he get in here? I'm not telling my Dad because I don't want to worry him. But it's getting ridiculous now.. What does this man want from me?
I slowly walked to Olivia, blocking her from the man's viewpoint. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to alarm her. My head pointed towards her but my eyes focused on the truck.

"Mr. Jones?" She quietly said. "Mr. Jones, are you okay?" She waves her hand in my face but then I pulled it down.

I started to hear screeching tires. Olivia leaned her head away from me and looked forward. He started the truck. I felt and heard the car driving closer and closer. "Just wait." I kept on whispering..Not yet.

"MR. JONES!" Olivia screamed out. I gripped onto her waist then pulled her down, while the truck drove pass us.
1. - 2.

I landed on the floor first so Olivia wouldn't get hurt. "Fuck Olivia." I yelled. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay." She coughed. The car drove away. It almost seems like he wanted to kill me or hurt me. Well he's gone now. I could stop acting strange.

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