Chapter TwentyFour- Naked

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*****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****


"To Be Brave Is To Love Unconditionally Without Expecting Anything In Return... "        ~ Love Quote
•••Olivia POV•••

This is one of my worst days ever. It's like my life is full of bad luck. Out of all things, why does have to happen to me? What did I do that was so wrong?! Life is like "Okay Olivia we are going to f- up your dreams and goals. We don't care what you think or say.
So..Let's think! What is another way to f-- up Olivia's life other than her parents? Oh right! Jasper Jones is going to see you naked.
Good luck."
I accidentally spilled body soap everywhere. I mean like everywhere. I don't know what happened! I was just playing around with it then SPAT! Practically the whole bottle is emptied out. He's definitely going to kill me.

I grabbed one of Jasper's towels and spread it across the floor, trying to mop the soap up. While I'm still naked...and wet. Just saying wet gives my body chills.

"I don't this is going to work." I thought biting onto my bottom lip. I tried to get up from the messy floor until I slipped on a bottle cap. "THAWK!" My hands and feet knocked over some of Jasper's products and scattered across the soapy floor.

"Oh no." I thought. Fear tickled my spine. I tried to lift up my heavy body but then one of my foot gave a shock of pain.  "OUCH!" I screamed.

"Olivia! Are you okay?!" A voice called out. Oh shoot, he heard me. I lifted up my head staring at the door.
"Y-Yeah!" I slowly responded. "Oh geez, my foot hurts."

"I'm coming in!" He yelled again. I heard him jiggling on the door knob. Wait No!

"No!" I screamed.
"Why not? You're hurt!"
"Because, Because I-I'm n-naked." Yeah! that should stop him.
"I seen a lot of girl naked, Olivia."
Oh great.."Mr. Jones!"

I grabbed the soaked towel from the floor and wrapped it around my body, only showing only my legs and arms. Jasper shoved the door open and started staring around the bathroom.

Shock was written all over his face. "Olivia...What did you do?" He said quietly. I didn't respond because I have no idea what to say. I literally have no words at all.

"You spilled soap everywhere!" Jasper growled as he looked at his feet. "Fucking hell mate.."

He glanced at me at my body, moving closer to me. He threw his long arms around me and lifted me up from the floor. "Ugh. You're soaked wet too! Geez." He placed me on the U-shaped small couch in his bedroom and ran back into the bathroom. 

The towel is so wet. It barely could stay on my body.

Jasper came back out with the deodorant, lotion and the clothes he gave me. "Here, go ahead and change. I'll check on your foot later." He placed stuff on the couch and slowly walked away.

"Wait!" I screamed. Jasper stopped and turned his head. He looks so dead on the outside. I could tell he's really mad.

"Umm..I-I don't really want to c-change in here. Y-You might, you might--"

"See you naked?" He said finishing my sentence. He stood there, rubbing his sweaty chin. "Well I don't mind. Like I said, I've seen a lot girls naked." He grinned like a psychopath and stroll back into the bathroom.

Oh my gosh..How much girlfriends he had? Or the bigger question is how many girls have he slept with? Geez. I grabbed everything and hopped around Jasper's apartment. I found a secret door to a room I never saw before. I slowly opened the door, peeking inside. I flicked on the light switch and saw clothes hung up everywhere. Oh it's Jasper's closet. His 2nd closet.

Well I guess could change in here.
After I finished putting on my pants, I found random frame picture on the couch. The picture showed Jasper and a stunning girl. She's definitely prettier than me. It seems it took place at a park. There're both hugging each other and smiling next to a tree.

"They look so happy." I thought. "The first time I seen him smiling like a human being."

The door swing open by a tall and a wet man. It's Jasper. His clothes are dripping with soapy water as he walked in the room. He even left a water trail behind him. "What the hell are you doing in here?" He mumbled.
I covered my front area so he wouldn't see me in my bra. I walked closer to me and grabbed the picture out of my hand.

"I told you I don't mind seeing you undressed." He said while staring at the picture. "That's Rose isn't it?" I asked pointing at the picture.
He swallowed a lump in his throat. "Yes.."
"She's really pretty."
There was a moment of silence. He just kept on staring at the picture. It seems like days now. Finally, he glanced at me and threw the picture back on the couch.

"Just finish changing." He walked out the room, slamming the door shut. Okay then...
After I finished changing, I circled back to Jasper's room. He popped out of nowhere and lifted me up like I'm child.

"W-What are you doin--" I said. He put down me on his bed and started examining my foot. He twisted my foot until I screamed.

"Ouch!" I yelled. He gave a small smirk at me. What? Am I that amusing? He rubbed cream and bandage my sprained foot. He laid me down on his bed -just staring at me.

"Get some sleep." He responded. He walked away and closed the door as soon I could say something.

"Good night." The words slipped from my tongue. I pulled up the covers and moved my body into my favorite sleep position. I stared out into the distance, just thinking.

I wonder why he's doing this for me. He's never been this nice to other people. So why me? What's so special about me?
8:49 AM
I finally woke up to darkness surrounding my eyes. I opened my heavy eyes and saw two men standing next to me, just staring at me. Oh no. Who are they?
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