Chapter Fourty~ I've Never Had A Boyfriend

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***May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors***
"Things Have Changed For Me..."~ Panic! At The Disco.
•••Olivia POV•••

"H-Hello.." I whispered.

"You must be Olivia Grey."

"Rose?" I heard Jasper called out.

I turned around and saw that Jasper's still in the wet towel.

"Y-You know her?" I asked.

"Hey Jasper." She said waving.
My eyes widened.

"Fuck.." Jasper whispered in disappointment.

She walked inside and stopped in between us.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He said angrily. 

I began to bite my nails as I sat down.

She moved closer. "What? I can't come and visit you?" She said as she touched Jasper face.

He grabbed her hand and pushed it away. Seems like Jasper hates her.

Jasper turned his head. "Olivia Love?"


"Can you get my clothes for me?"

I stood up. "S-Sure."

I ran to the bedroom and grabbed Jasper's clothes laying on the bed.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." He told the lady.

Jasper gently gripped onto my arm and pulled me into the bathroom.

He took the clothes out of my hands. "Lock the door for me. I'm not taking any chances."

I twisted the lock. Jasper held his wet towel and gazed at me.

"You should close your eyes."

My eyes widened. "Wait you're changing in here? With me?" I said as he lifted his towel.

I covered my eyes with with my warm hands. "Who's that girl?"

"I think you remember her." He said. "Rose, My Ex."

Rose kept on chanting in my head. Then it hit me.

"Oh Rose!" I said clapping me hands.

Jasper and I paused for a second. I glanced realizing I stopped covering my eyes.

I closed my eyes and turned around, facing the door. "Sorry!"

I heard Jasper laughed. "It's okay."

"She looks really pretty." I mumbled.

Jasper turned my body around, uncovering my eyes. "Well.. Not as pretty as you, Love."


He held onto the doorknob and twisted it opened.

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