Chapter Eight- A Living Hell

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*****May Contain Spelling Errors*****
"Love is Awesome"
•••Olivia POV•••

I walked out out of Mr. Jones office, realizing what he just said to me.

"When we are alone, call me Jasper.." he said with his deep voice.

What does he mean by that? Does he like me? Do wants something from me? I whipped my bag to the left side of my arm and push my hair back to my ear.

I walked to the front desk. I saw a lady in a pink and green dress wearing a bright, red lipstick.

She stared to file her nails as soon as I got there.

"Hi, are you Ms. Stacy?" I asked taking a huge gulp of saliva.

She took her right hand, she pointed at a sign that said "Ms. Bronte Stacy."

She put her nail filer down and stared typing on the computer.

I leaned on the the grey and black desk. Then I said "E-Excuse me, Mr. Jones said that you'll show me into my office" showing my braced teeth.

She got up from her chair. She immediately walked me down the hallway. She pointed at a black door saying "That's your office."

She opened the door for me. Then, she walked away as quick as she could back to her desk. Afterwards, she stared filing her nails again.

I walked inside using 10 small steps at a time. I looked around at the huge office. The office was painted grey and white.

There was a huge, big black desk and a smooth, shiny grey chair. There was no posters on the walls, leaving it blank and empty.

"We will change that." I said, touching the walls.

After 30 seconds getting use to the office, the phone started ringing. I put down my average, size bag and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I answered with a considering face.

"I need you to pick up my laundry from Sally's and also grab me another cup of coffee from Starbucks..
No Decaf, and ask them to put milk in it.
And come BACK in an hour. If you are late, you're FIRED."

He immediately hanged up the phone. I took out my note pad and wrote everything down. He sounded so angry.

"Sally's is nearly 30 minutes away and Starbucks is all the way downtown." I thought to myself. "I'm not going to make it back on time." I worried.

I ran out of the building into the street, lifting my thumb up. After 20 seconds, a yellow taxi drove up to me. I quickly got into the car and set a timer for 1 hour.

"Here we go" I whispered. "Let's try not to get fired"
•Two Months later•
These last two months were a living hell. He been so moody lately and stared becoming more and more stressed out.

If you count $1 dollar every time he cursed at me, I would have $1000 dollars. I would be wealthy and rich.

It's been so hard to work with him these days. I knew he wouldn't go easy on me, but it's gotten out of hand.

He has a lot of anger and jealousy issues that made me almost cried more than once. It reminds me what happened 2 years ago.
He won't even let me call him Jasper anymore. I didn't like calling him that anyways.

Mr. Jones also have been busy trying to make a deal with the Russians. What I learned was that, they are threatening the company.

So his father and him is trying to think of a solution to push them off of them for good.


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