Chapter ThirtyEight- Love

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****May Contain Spelling Errors And Grammar Errors***
"You, Fool.."~ JeA
•••Jasper POV•••
•About Two Weeks Ago•

"You can't see her again." My dad whispered.

I stopped clicking my pen. I rotated my chair, facing towards him.

"Why?" I said angrily. "I haven't even talked to her in weeks!"

"She's going to become a distraction and that's the last thing you need right now. You need to be able to focus. The company is in a good place and I don't want you to fuck it up over some girl."

"So you're basically telling me to stay away from her?" I said, slamming the table.

"Not for eternity..Only for a little awhile, then you could back to do whatever you guys are doing." He said picking up his coffee.

I slumped back into my chair, staring at the ceiling.

"Fucking hell.." I said to myself.
•••Olivia POV•••

"Hi." I said quietly as I waved my hand. I felt my grey trench coat, swaying towards the direction of the wind.

Seconds later, Jasper began running towards me.

"J-Jasper, I--"

"Shut up.." He said quietly as he placed his hands on my face and push his lips against mine.

In that moment, it felt like the world slowed down. He slowly pulled away and laid his head on my forehead.
He stood there silently, whispering to himself.

He laughs. "You look nice.."

I blushed. Did he really just kissed me?

He pulled away from me. "I'm so glad I get to see your face."

I stood staring, staring at his smile. It's like I've been transported to heaven. He did just kissed me.

"I always leave you speechless don't I." He chuckled.

I gave a silent laugh. He always knew how to make me smile.
"Jasper!" Someone called out. We both turned around and saw Jasper's dad.

He waved his arms, trying to get Jasper's attention. I could see his face shows signs of disappointment when he saw me next to Jasper.

Jasper turned his head slowly looking distressed. "I have to go.."

Jasper let go of my hand. He slowly walked until he turned around again.

"I'll call you, Okay?" He yelled trying to be louder than the traffic.

I nodded.
He hasn't called me.
•A Day Later•

After I finished working my shift, I crawled into my bed faster than any other day.

Sometimes I feel like I need a break from life.

"So tired." I mumbled. "Fudge.."

While watching Netflix, I began smelling an awful oder. I pinched my nose while walking to the kitchen.

I stared at the garbage can, realizing I haven't changed it in weeks. "Ugh God.." I moaned.

I grabbed a used paper towel and lifted up the wet trash-carrying it.

I put on my comfy shoes and walked downstairs-seeing the moon peaking out from the window.

Finally entering the lobby, feeling the cold breeze on my bare legs.

As I opened the garbage shoot, I forcefully pushed the trash inside trying not to throw up at the same time.
The door creaked closed. "Success!" I said throwing my arms up.

I stretched my arms as I turned towards the entrance. Until something caught my eye.

My face went blank.

I saw the guy I liked holding a bouquet of red roses in his hands. Wearing a Black and White Suit.

I moved closer towards the glass door.
His smile..

"Jasper.." I whispered.

"Happy Birthday Love." He mouthed.
••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed:)•••

Xoxo🙅🏽~ JayJay

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