Chapter TwentyOne- Petrov Part 2

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*****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****

"When I Started Loving You, Everything Changed."
•••Jasper POV••
•••Days Later•••

Why did I agreed to this? Olivia is gone. That piece of shit Petrov! He's seriously going to pay for this. Taking Olivia away from me! I'm going to get you back Olivia. Don't worry.
While sitting in my office-doing paperwork, my dad knocked on my door. "Morning." He said.

He slowly walked in my office and sat on the black seat in front of me. He started tapping his fingers on the chair like something is bothering him.
"There's a meeting tomorrow at Petrov's house to get our loan." He said. "Please don't come late."

I didn't say anything. I kept on thinking about  millions of ways to kill Peter Petrov.

"Ugh Jasper. You are all over the news." He continued on. "Do you even care about your reputation?--"

"I don't give a fuck, Dad." I fired back, without looking at him.

"Can you please stop fucking cursing for one day? One day!?" He screamed. His face began to look angry. I should probably stop. I stopped looking through my paperwork and stared at him.

"Fine, I'm sorry."

My father gave out a huge sigh. "Petrov phoned."
"That piece of shit?" I quickly said. Dad began stared at me, looking angry.

I coughed and crossed my arms. "Sorry, I'll stop."
He fixed himself in the chair. "He said that Olivia doing fine and don't worry about her."

"And you believe him?" I said. "He might be  torturing her right now." I stood up from my chair and began to stare out the window.

"Why do you care about her so much?" My Dad replied. I closed my mouth not saying anything. My mind raced somewhere else.

Dad stood up from the chair and slowly walked towards me. He put his big hand on my shoulder. "Trust me Jasper. She's fine."

I didn't say anything again. I kept on staring out the window, quietly. I looked down at the floor.
"I'm sorry Olivia." I thought. "I'm sorry."
••••Olivia POV•••

•Petrov Resident•

Petrov threw a wine glass at the wall behind me. Glass shards spread across the floor.

"I-I'm S-Sorry.." I whispered. He ran towards and smash another wine glass next to my feet.

"Get it right.." He yelled. Petrov grabbed my bracelet from my wrist and threw it across the room. He slowly walked out the room and slammed the red door shut.

I sat in a small corner, crying my eyes out. Tears fell from my face like a waterfall. I miss Jasper. Oh yeah I said it! I miss that confusing, unpredictable man.
Petrov or should I say 'Sir', took away my phone so I won't call anyone. But I know he mostly meant for me not to call Jasper.
Chinese Store
Handsome Boss(Mr. Jones)
I don't even have any friends. Yes I know what about Amy? She stopped talking to me. I don't know why. One day, my phone just stopped ringing.
On the first day, Petrov was really nice. He cooked breakfast for me like what Jasper did for me and treated me nice. But hours later, he turned into the Hulk. Aggressive and smashes everything he's sees.

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