Chapter Nine- "Why Do I Feel This Way?"

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*******May Contain Spelling Errors******
"Opposites Attracts"
•••Jasper POV•••

After Olivia left, I circled back around to my office. When I walked back to my office, I saw the door slightly opened.

I push the door with my right hand. I saw a girl sitting on my chair.

"Fuck!" I screamed. "Lila.."

"Hey baby." She flirted back.

She got up from the chair and walked towards the front of my desk.

She quickly sat on the edge, wearing a crop top and booty shorts.

"You miss me?" She spoked.

I walked closer to her and whispered "Hell no."

I went to the back of my desk. I flip over the black desk, dropping all my paperwork.

She fell on the ground, looking angry.

"UGH.. You fucking piece of shit!" She answered.

I took her by the hair and waist and dragged her outside. I briskly called security.

Afterwards, I went back to my office seeing what a mess it is.

"Great...Olivia!" I yelled.

After few seconds, I realized that she went home.

"Even still when not she is not here, I still act like a jerk."

I picked up back my desk. I grabbed everything off the floor and neatly put it back on the desk.

I sat on my chair. I picked the phone and dialed Olivia's house number.

"This number you are calling is out of service, please check the number and dial again."

I hung up the phone. She hasn't payed her phone bill again.

•Two Days Later•

Olivia hasn't come to work for two days. I wonder if she is okay. I don't know why but I miss Olivia. Every Time I think about her, my heart races. What's wrong with me?

I quickly grabbed my bag and walked out of the office.

I closed the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited. Afterwards, I heard Bronte calling out my name.

"Mr. Jones? Where are you going? You have a meeting to go to in 30 minutes."

"Cancel the meeting." I said, with a deep voice.

The elevator doors opened, releasing a soft breeze. I walked in and pressed the lobby button.

After a few minutes, the doors opened. I walked out the building and saw my driver.

"Where to Mr. Jones?" He asked.

"My assistant's apartment" I answered.

Finally, we reached to Olivia's apartment.

"I just have to check up on her" I thought.
I opened the car door.

I came out of the car and walked inside the building. I took out a piece of paper that had her apartment number and floor.

"The 3rd Floor, Apt C7"

I went the elevator and pressed 3rd floor. I looked for her apartment.

"C1, C2, C3,.... C7!"

I knocked on the door and waited. She didn't answer. I knocked again and waited. "No Answer."

I turned around and said "Where is she?"
••••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed It•••••


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