Chapter ThirtyOne- To Be Continued.. Part 2

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors*****
"To Be Continued.."~W
•••Olivia POV•••

•6 Months Later•

I smiled as I watched the birds flew across the glimmer sun. "So beautiful.." I whispered to myself.


"Olivia! Aren't you coming?!" I heard someone screamed. I jumped and looked outside, seeing Elliot waving. 

"Oh sorry!" I yelled. "I'm coming!" I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I saw Elliot leaning next to his black car.

"You ready?" I nodded. "Okay...Let's roll!"
He opened the car door for me as I climbed inside.
"You have your pen and paper?"

"Okay, Make sure you answer their questions clearly.. And try not to stutter.." Elliot said.

"Got it.."
"And also make sure you keep eye contact with the interviewer.."

"Got it." I said as I wiped the dripping sweat off my face.

"Try not to freak out.. Olivia." Elliot laughed. "You look like you're about to explode."

"No..No I'm okay.." I stuttered.

He moved closer, patting me on my back. "You're going to do fine, trust me.." He smiled.

"Okay, Okay." I thought. I wish I believe him but I always have a habit of messing things up for myself and anyone else around me. I mean look what happened to... Jasper.
•Finnic's Enterprise•

"Good luck Liv." Elliot mumbled.

I opened the car door, staring at the huge building. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I turned to the car again and glared at Elliot. "I can't to do this Elliot."

"Yes. You. Can."
He gave me a fist bump and quickly drove away.

"Okay...." I whispered to myself. "You got this right?" Great. I'm even second guessing myself.

I sighed. "Okay lets go." I slowly began walking towards the entrance.
•After The Interview•

I failed it. I definitely failed it. It looks like they won't even consider me to even be a bathroom assistant. All they did was stared at their clipboards, just writing complete nonsense.

But I guess I should keep my hopes up.. I guess? I might of actually passed. I won't know for sure until tomorrow.

I thanked Elliot so much for giving this job interview. Without him, I would be loss in space, dying slowly. I really needed this. Even though I have my own problems, I still have a life to live. Paying bills, trying not to die.

Elliot helped me out.. a lot during these two months. He helps me pay my rent, buys me groceries and you know what friends usually do.
He once offered me $25,000 but of course I couldn't accept that! Heck, I was surprised he trusted me enough to give me $25,000. But he insisted to take the money but I only took $400.
After I finished the interview, I waited for Elliot to come and pick me up.

"Where is he?" I mumbled as my hair sway towards the wind. I took out and dialed Elliot's phone number.

"O-Oh sorry love..Things have been hectic at the nightclub. Ugh..These fuckers don't know how to do their jobs."
"O-Oh, well I could take the bus then---"

"N-Nah, you don't have to that. I'm still coming to get you. Give me 5 minutes okay?"
"Oh okay.."
"See you later love."
5 minutes, huh. I sighed all of my remaining air. I walked to the nearest coffee shop and sat next to the window seat.

"What would you like Ma'am?" The waiter asked.
"Just large apple juice. Thank you." I said as gave her a $5 bill.
As the waiter walked away, I stared outside. Loss in Space.
•2 Minutes Later•
"Here's your apple juice." She placed a large glass of apple juice on the brown table.

"Thank you." I replied again. I picked the up the wet straw and took a large gulp.

As I was drinking, I saw a piece of white paper next to my elbow. "What's this?" I muttered to myself as I picked up the crumpled paper.

I opened it.
"Huh?" I sighed. "YFAB? Who's YFAB?"

I noticed my phone started ringing.
Incoming Call
"I'm here. Look I'm waving." I turned and saw Elliot waving at me across the street.
"I'll be right there."
I picked up my purse and the mysterious note, and tucked it inside my small pocket. I quickly ran towards the large building where Elliot parked.

As I was walking, I accidentally bumped into a guy. "Sorry.." I mumbled. I saw a small smile spread across his face, under his black hoodie. That's Weird....,

I looked ahead and saw Elliot's black car-double parked outside the building.

"Hey Love." He slowly walked towards me and took my bag.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to take of somethings at 12:30(Nightclub)."
"It's fine. You should of taken all the time you needed."

He laughed at me. "Wow you really know how to make a guy feel special. So how was the interview?"

He opened the door, taping his fingers on the window.
"It was..alright I guess?"
•My Apartment•

After Elliot dropped me off, I slowly walked up 4 flights of stairs. "Hmh..I'm sooo tired." I whispered. "I need a nap---"

As I came upstairs, I saw a mysterious figure lurking next to my door. He wore a Brown Petticoat with a Hoodie, so I couldn't see his face.
"Umm..sorry." I said as I tried to squeeze through him. I push my key through the lock until he gently pushed me onto the wall.

"W-What are you doing?" I screamed as I struggled. He slowly took off his hood and smiled.

"Did you miss me?"
       •••••••••••Beginning Of Part 2•••••••••••
•••The Arrogant CEO Is Back•••
•••Make Sure You Check Out The Perfect Brother;)••••

Xoxo🙅🏽~ JayJay

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