Chapter ThirtyTwo- Starting Over

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*****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****
"I Wanna Be Your Light, Light.."~ KiSum & Oh Seulong Finding Differences.
••••Olivia POV••••

As I came upstairs, I saw a mysterious figure lurking next to my door. He wore a Brown Petticoat with a Hoodie, so I couldn't see his face.
"Umm..sorry." I said as I tried to squeeze through him. I push my key through the lock until he gently pushed me onto the wall.

"W-What are you doing?" I screamed as I struggled. He slowly took off his hood and smiled.

"Did you miss me?"
I remained speechless as I stared the guy who was supposed to be 'dead'.

"J-J-A-S-P-E-R?" I stuttered. He moved closer and gave a bear hug.

"Weird, you didn't called me Mr. Jones.." He muttered. "Uh.. I'd missed you.."
I still remained speechless. I don't even know what to say.

He backed away, gripping onto my hands. "You still look cute. You gotta a boyfriend?"

I stared at his tall body. He stills look the same.... after 6 months. He only just grew a stubble beard.

Unnoticeable tears dropped from my pink eyes. I couldn't stop crying. It's like my body has a mind of its own.

Jasper put on a worried face. "No. No, why are you crying?"

He put his warm hands on my face as he wiped my tears. "Sorry.. something went in my eye." I said gently pushing away his hands.

He laughed. "You're still funny.."
I looked down at his bloody shirt. "Jasper You're bleeding!"

He looked down then glanced back at me. "Can you do me a favor.." He smiled at me until I responded.

"O-Okay." I opened my door and let Jasper in.

"Wow! Your apartment still the same." He whispered.

"What do you need?" I asked.
"Can I borrow a shirt?" He said as he pointed at my bedroom.
"Hold on.." As I walked away, he began taking off his brown petticoat.

I ran towards my bedroom, searching for the largest shirt I have.

I picked up the only male shirt I've owned and strolled to the living room. "Here you go.." I extended the shirt towards him.

"Thanks. Do you still have the rubbing alcohol?"
I nodded. "Can you get for me? Please?"

I roamed to my bathroom and grabbed the alcohol from the cabinet.

I slowly walked back to the living room and saw Jasper shirtless. My eyes widened.

"Okay Olivia, don't freak out.."
I glanced and saw his large bleeding cut. But it was stitched up.

"What happened?" I whispered.

"Well, That's a story for another day.." He laughed.

I ripped out a piece of paper towel and poured the rubbing alcohol on. I kneeled down, dabbing the paper towel on the cut.

"This is..uncomfortably weird from this angle." I thought.

Jasper stared at me. "You feel uncomfortable, right? Because I'm shirtless."

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