Chapter ThirtySeven- Fate

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****May Contain Spelling and Grammar Errors***
"It's Still Beautiful.." ~Highlight (Kpop)
"Good Evening viewers and welcome to channel 12 news. I'm your host Brian Miller and I hope you are having a wonderful day.

Top story this evening-
Police officers raided the private strip club, "22 Diamonds"  and arrested 50 workers, including Scott Brown for attempted murder on Jasper Jones, possession of illegal drugs and brutally tortured and killed 10 of his employees.

Police commented that Jasper Jones is not a suspect but in fact a victim. Lens who is currently in prison had been illegally communicating to Scott Brown by a burner phone, planning to hurt Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones is currently in protective custody until the case is closed."
Gossip TV-
"Jasper Jones has finally been released from protective custody. But who is this girl who had been visiting him the past two days? A new lover perhaps?"

"She just someone special to me."~ Jasper commented.
Celebrity News-
"Jones the player is back at it again! After two weeks, Jasper Jones finally got back on his feet and took charge of the company, making 100 of thousands of dollars in one night.."
"I wonder after the incident, has Jasper Jones turned over a new leaf? Not a notorious bad boy anymore..."
"Looks like this girl is just one of his one night stands. We haven't even seen her in weeks.."
"Rumors have been flying around that Jasper Jones, CEO of Eric's Foundation is dating Melanie Mills the 6th most wealthiest person in the world. They do look like a perfect couple.."
•••Olivia POV•••
"......I haven't seen him in weeks." I thought to myself laying on my bed.

"He hasn't called or visited me once.. Looks like he's really busy with work or I'm just being selfish." I puffed.

I turned around and gripped onto my teddy bear. "He's basically the only friend I have."
•Next Day•

"I-I don't know why I'm doing this.." I mumbled as I slowly walked up to the huge building.

I stopped walking and faced the opposite direction. "Oh come on Olivia. You could do this!"

I turned around again, facing the building. "Jasper is just on the top floor.."

"-Just say hi to him then go on your merry way."
I stood there, trembling in silence.
"I can't do this.." I mumbled to myself. I turned around again and began speed walking towards Main Street.

"Olivia?" I heard a voice whispered. My legs immediately stopped moving.

I lifted my head and turned around, slowly..


He slowly closed the car door, holding his cell phone on his ear.
He wore a Black Suit with a White Polo Shirt.

Jasper's glare and I met. He stood there in silence as his arm dropped.

"Hi." I said quietly as I waved my hand. I felt my grey trench coat, swaying towards the direction of the wind.
I don't know what else to say. It's like meeting my long lost relative.

Seconds later, Jasper began running towards me.

"J-Jasper, I--"

"Shut up.." He said quietly as he placed his hands on my face and
push his lips against mine.
••••I Hope You Guys Enjoyed:)••••

Xoxo🙅🏽~ JayJay

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