Chapter TwentySeven- Stalker

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*****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****
"You're The Key To My Life..." ~ W
•••Olivia POV•••

OLIVIA!" I heard Jasper called out. "OLIVIA! OLIVIA! OLIVIA!"

All of sudden, my vision started getting blurry. I guess I'm blacking out. I kept on calling Jasper but he didn't answered.

"J-J-Jasper.." I kept on yelling. "J-Jasper!"

But I couldn't hear his voice anymore....
Then I realized....He's Gone...
•10 Minutes Later•

For 10 minutes, I've been lying in my own pool of blood, trying to call out for help. Forcing myself to crawl to the elevator entrance but my body and eyes weren't agreeing with me.

I heard footsteps from two people who came out the elevator. They're just talking and laughing.
I reached my right arm out, trying get their attention. But you could only hear whimpers escaping from my mouth.


My eyes slowly began to shut close. I tried to keep them opened but of course my body rejected my thoughts. Darkness flooded my body.
•A Day Later•

"Oh...Look who's awake.." A mysterious voice whispered. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Elliot sitting on the bed. Elliot wore a black hat with a white T-Shirt and Blue Jeans.

"Wow, I was worried there. I thought you were going to have a brain hemorrhage or something." Elliot said. "I don't want my sister in law to die before the wedding date."

I gave a small chuckle. He seriously know how to cheer a girl up.
I stood up from my bed and realized Jasper is not here. "W-Where's Mr. Jones?"

Elliot smile turned into a frown. He looked away from me like he's hiding something. "Jasper's missing... He wasn't there."

"What?" Panic flooded my body like a tsunami.
Oh no.
•••Jasper POV•••
•Unknown Place•

A man threw a bucket of water in my face as I gasped for air. I tried to move my arms and legs but I realized I'm bound by chains.

I observed around the room. "Where am I? What is this place?" I kept on asking. The place is so dark, I can't even see what's ahead of me.

"Well, Look who's awake.." The man coughed. I tried to focus my eyes on him but it kept on blurring out.

The stranger got up from his wooden chair and picked up car cables. As both them touched together, it created a electric shock. He slowly walked towards me, clacking the cables.

"I wonder what you are going to do with that.." I chuckled. He immediately ripped my T-Shirt and pushed the cables against stomach.


As I was screaming, he was laughing like I'm amusing.
•20 Minutes Later•

After 20 minutes of unbearable pain, he finally stopped. I kept on thinking about Olivia in the middle of it. If she's alive or not. I hope she's okay. I saw a lot of blood...

I spit on the floor, while some blood came out. He dropped the car cables and picked a pipe covered 6 small needles.

He beaten me for what it seems like years now. Drops of blood came out of my body like a waterfall. I began to feel weak. Couldn't keep my eyes open and my brain feels like it's about to explode too.

"Wow. You're good at taking beatings." The stranger mumbled. "You're really tough for a pretty boy."

I tried to speak but it's like my mouth's like a swimming pool of blood. "W-W-Why a-are you d-doing this?" I coughed.

The man lighted a cigarette and strolled closer to me. "You came close to my girl..." He responded as he blew the smoke in my face. "I was going to kill you but this is more fun."

I laughed. "I have a-a lot of r-relationships with g-girls."

"Well this girl is really special. I love her to the bottom of my heart." He said.

"W-What?" He got up and for the past 5 minutes he showed me a video tape of him stalking for what it seems like..Olivia?!

"I remember our first date in high school. She was so shy, she barely talked to me. I followed her around school, even to her house. But it was like she was luring me there. She loved me and I loved her. But her foster parents never let us be together. They even filed for a restraining order against me. Every time, she's sees me pretends to call out for help or runs away from me."

I'd never knew that that Olivia lost her parents. "Can't you see? She's scared of you!"
"What? No!" He turned around and puffed on his cigarette.

"She filed a restraining order against you!"
"Cause of her---"
"And you fucking video taped her you sick bastard!"
He picked up the car cables again and push it against my body. My body began to shake like I'm having seizure.


"I'm a sick bastard...but what about you!!? Huh?!" He screamed.
••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed:)••••
••••May Sure You Check out The Perfect Brother:)•••
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