Chapter ThirtyFive~ All You Did

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***May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors***
"All You Did.."~ Bii (Singer)
•••Olivia POV•••

"Who is it?" I yelled as I slowly walked to the door.

No response. I happily stroll towards to the door and slowly opened it.

"Jasper.." I said quietly as my arm dropped down. "Oh my gosh.."
"C-Congratulations on the j-job." He whispered.

"T-Thanks." I looked down and saw his hand covering his torso. His hand was covered in oozing blood.

"Jasper?" I looked back up and saw his head bleeding.

"D-Don't worry about that. I-I came h-here for y-you.."

His eyes began to shut on and off as he tried to walk inside. "Jasper!" I said.

As he walked inside, his eyes closed slowly as he fell on the floor.

"JASPER!!" I said as quickly closed the door. I  kneeled next to him, pressing my hands on his fresh cut.

I stared at him. "Jasper! Wake up!" His eyes didn't even twitch.

Deciding on what to do, I ran inside my bathroom, grabbing things that might be needful. "Stitches, a Needle, Alcohol, Cotton Swabs." I quietly said to myself.

My body felt like a machine that needs an oil change. Panic and fear rushed over my body. What if he dies? No he can't die. It'll be all my fault..

While I was searching, I heard grunting noises. I sneaked into the living room, seeing Jasper trying to stand up.

"N-No N-No. Wait Jasper." I mumbled as I walked towards him.

He looked up at me, smiling. "I'm fine Olivia."

He stood up next to me with a crooked smile. "You're hurt.." I mumbled as I stared at his bleeding cut.

"It's fine.." He said silently. "It's just a scratch.."

I gently hit his shoulder. "Why you always say that you're fine but obviously NOT!" I screamed.

Tears build up in my eyes. Jasper stared at me like he didn't know what to do.

"O-Olivia.." Jasper whispered. "I-I just hit my head on a pole and one of my stitches came out... It's okay.."

I turned around trying not to face him. I know he's lying. He sometimes lies to protect me from the truth.

"I thought you were going die or something."

He moved closer to me. "I'm not going to die... Remember when I was shot? I'm still here."

I wiped my eyes and my nose. "You should clean up..." I said as I walked to my bedroom.

"But don't use all of the water." I said, pointing at the sink.
When Jasper finished washing up, he lurked outside my bedroom door. I laid on my bed trying to fall asleep.
"Oh.. you're finished?" I sighed. I lifted my body up, turning on the light.

He slowly ran towards to me, jumping on the bed. "W-What are you---"

He came closer to me, pulling me towards him. My face began to look confused. "Umm..Why are you hugging to me?" I began to blush.

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