Chapter TwentyEight- I Love You

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****
"My Heart Remembers You..."~ The Innocent Man
•••Jasper POV••

I want to die. I should die. Hell, I deserve to die. But if die just for my own personal reasons, I would have to leave everything behind. Elliot, Dad, Mom even though I have mixed feelings about her. And Olivia... I don't even know if she's alive or not. My only will to live right now is to see if she and brother is okay. Even though he's a pain in my ass. But you know....he's still my brother.

All through this pain and suffering, I shut my eyes closed thinking about that little girl. Olivia Grey. The second girl who captured my heart. I'm gotta admit. She's better than Rose my first love. I was 25 when I first met her. I was the same Jasper Jones that I am right now. A arrogant and hotheaded man who sleeps around with girls, and likes to create bar fights.

But Rose kept me from trouble. She helped me when I was going through hard times. She picked me when I fall. I cared about her and she cared about me at least what I thought.
I did everything for her. Bought her food, clothes, designer bags and even gave her job as my assistant like Olivia. Until she broke my heart in two pieces.

I found out that she used me for her own nasty deeds. She fucking betrayed me. That bitch. She told me to trust her and I did. She snuck into my office and stole 3 of my credit cards and took out $500,000 from my bank account.

All she wanted from me was my money not my love. That was the last time I trusted a girl. I thought all girls were gold diggers and bad people at this point. But I realized Olivia wasn't like that. She different from the rest. I truly loved spending time with her. She's a very quiet girl but she's very meaningful.
I'm stupid for yelling at her, making her feel uncomfortable and even talking about her parents. I should've known that her parents died. She's all alone. The only person she could depend on is herself. I could tell that she can't trust everyone else to help her when she's in need. My only wish is to make her trust and rely on me, so she won't only have herself.
•Months Ago•

I walked inside my room and saw Olivia cleaning up my bedroom. She put on new sheets on bed, even though I never asked her. 

"What are you doing?" I screamed. She jumped, dropping my pillow on the floor. She bowed her head.

"M-Mr. Jones..Umm I felt sorry for all mistakes I made for over the past few days and--"
I strolled over to her and picked up the pillow from the floor. I stared at her, waiting for her to finish.

"I-I made your life a l-living hell and you still haven't f-fired me." She whispered. "So I want to r-repay you for your kindness."

"By cleaning my bedroom?" I responded as I crossed my arms. She nodded and pulled her hair behind her ears.

"I also feel sorry for breaking your coffee cup."
"That happened days ago Olivia."
"Yeah I know, but it was very careless of me. I should've of been more careful."

There was a moment of silence. I heaved a sigh and rubbed my heavy eyes. "Just don't touch my stuff. Okay?"

She shook her head up and down in response. I put the pillow down on the bed and walked out of my room. I stopped at my door and turned to her.

"You know you are a very reckless person Olivia."
"I-I know and I'm s-sorry---"

"---But I could tell you are a person who cares about other people. Your parents must be proud of you..." I cut her off.
A small smile spread across her face as I turned around again and walked out of the room.
Olivia grabbed onto my hand and gently pulled me towards the light. But I knew what was going on. I let go of her hand and examined the white room.

This is the same room I was in when I was in the hospital. "Jasper what's wrong?" She asked.  She wrapped her arms my neck.

"I-I've been here before..." I responded. I'm the verge between life and death...again.

"You don't wanna come with me?" She asked.
"I can't die now.."
"But I thought you wanted to."
"No.. It's just.."
"Why you don't want to come with me Jasper?"

"If I come with you, I'm going have to leave everything and everyone behind."

"And who is everyone and everything?"
"My money?"
She pushed away from me. "Exactly. Then go...."
I glared at her. "What?"
"Run as fast as Quicksilver and find your girl."

She smiled at me and walked towards the light. She disappeared like smoke. I stood there for a second and began running as fast as I can towards the darkness.

"Thanks Olivia..." I whispered. "Thanks...."
••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed;)••••
•••Double Update Today (TwentySeven and TwentyEight) This Is The Third To Last Chapter••••
•••Make Sure You Check Out The Perfect Brother•••

Xoxo🙅🏽~ JayJay

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