Chapter Eighteen- The Worst Dinner Ever

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*******May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors*****

"Why me? Why did you choose me?" -Olivia
"Because....You are Olivia Grey." -Jasper
••••Jasper POV•••

Who does he thinks he is? God? Asking to take Olivia away from me. Over my dead body.
"I'll never give you Olivia. So you could go ahead and fuck off." I screamed. I slammed my hands on table-showing my aggression, shaking the expensive plates and glass.

My father face looks so surprised and shocked. "Jasper Maxwell Jones!" My father cried out. He got from the table and ran towards me.

He began whispering my ear. "Jasper what are you doing?" He twisted his lips in disgust.

I stood up from my chair. "Dad, please don't let him take Olivia."

He leaned towards and heaved a sigh. "Jasper..."

"You could choose any company to fund our foundation other than the Russians." I explained. He glared at my worried face.

"I told you not to get close to that girl--"

"It's not about her." I fired back. "Listen, you are thinking about selling a girl to work for a company she doesn't want to work at for $6 million in return."

Dad looked away thinking about the situation. Olivia tugged onto my black blazer again. She looked at me terrified.

"Are you thinking about letting me go?" She muttered.

"No, I'll never do that to you." I looked directly at my Dad. He ran his hand through his hair again and peered at me. "Fine, Okay."

Yes! The truth is that I don't want to lose Olivia. She's the most sweetest person I ever known. She reminds of mom...and well of course I have feelings for her.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you have Olivia." My father and I said. Petrov got up from his chair and walked towards me. He glared at me in disgust. He squatted down to Olivia level and stared at her.

"вы очень глупо за то, что вокруг этого человека. но ты только его маленькая сука не так?"
(You are very stupid for being around this man. But you are just his little bitch aren't you?)

I grip onto his blue blazer and pulled him away again.
"I understand Russian." I quickly said. He moved closer to me and punched me on my cheek. I ran after him and landed punched him across his face with my right fist. He immediately landed on the floor-not trying to get up. The crowd of people gasped in fear.

"Jasper.." My father whispered. His face looks so shocked like something bad happened. What? He called Olivia a bitch.

"Don't you fucking to Olivia like that!" I screamed. I grabbed Olivia's arm.

"Come on. We're leaving." She picked up her note pad and purse and followed me to the exit.

•••••Eric's POV••••

After Jasper and Olivia left, I looked at Petrov, sitting on the floor. Afterwards, I helped him up from the ground and dusted off his suit.

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