Chapter Ten~ Life Is Hard..

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**********May Contain Spelling Errors******

"Love is Difficult"
•••••Olivia's POV•••
••••••Two Days Earlier••••

Mr. Jones was nice to me, Wow. After the big mess that just happened, I went home.

When I came home, I checked my mailbox. Just a bunch of notices that my rent is over due.

Dear Olivia Grey,
This is the 3rd and final notice. You have to pay your rent in the next 2 weeks or you WILL be evicted-----
RENT- $156.47

"Great... Just Great" I said with a sigh.

There was also another notice dealing with the electric bill.

Dear Olivia Grey,
This is the 5th time we are reaching you. If you don't pay the electric bill, then every electric devices will be cut off including you fridge, Television set, including your phones and power.
Rent- $ 489.32

I let out a huge sigh with a glum look on my face. "What I'm going to do?"

••••••2 hours later•••••
For the past two hours, I just binge watching the series of Marvel and DC movies in my Doctor Who PJs.

Meanwhile, I was watching Ant-Man then the electric power cut off.

"What the---" I mumbled

Everything is so dark. It's like I am in a haunted house.

"Okay don't panic..." I said putting my hands to my body.

I tried to make my way through the living room. Then I heard a glass dropped.

"Okay, this is the kitchen" I said

I tried cleaning it up but I kept on cutting myself.

"Ouch" I said, while looking at my fingers in the dark.

"Oh, Why Me!" I screamed.
••••••Two Days Later••••

I'd went to the Electric Power Company and payed half of my bill. They said that they are only to turn on the power outlets.

And I only have two lamps. Then, I'd went to the landlord and payed half my late fee.

I spend all of my money on the rent,  bills and on the bus fee too. I am tired of all of this mess. When I finally got home, I saw a lot of guys lurking out front of the apartment building.

I tried to pass them but they kept on bothering me. One of them came up to me and said-

"Hey Olivia, where you are going?" He said with his musky voice.

He had a whole bunch of tattoos everywhere. He wore a leather jacket and ripped jeans.

"How do you my name?" I said to him, looking worried. "How does he know my name?" I kept on thinking.

"Someone is looking for you" He said clearly. " Come with me"

He grabbed my arm with his big hands and pulled me towards a car. I tried to fight but he is so strong and big.

"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed while struggling.

He dragged me to the car until I heard someone called my name.

"Olivia!" The British Mysterious voice called out.

"Mr. Jones?" I called out with a confused look.

He came down the stairs quickly wearing a black suit with a small briefcase.

"Let Go Of Her!" He yelled.
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