Chapter Nineteen- A Normal Morning.

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*******May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors*****

"I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes."~Unknown
•••Olivia POV•••

Oh no. Wait a second. Is he going to kiss me?!
I don't know what to do! We haven't even gone one date!
Jasper moved closer to me and puckered his lips. He stood up and kissed me on my forehead. His lips were so soft and gentle as he kissed my forehead.

"I'll being going." He said. "Thanks Olivia." He walked out my apartment and closed my rusty door. I got up from my chair and slowly walked to my bedroom. I sat on my small bed..thinking.

The Jasper Jones kissed me. Well not on my lips but my forehead. What does that mean? Does he like me? I turned sideways. Why I keep asking that same question? Ugh.
Again Olivia stop talking nonsense. He was just thanking me for taking care of his cut. Nothing more.

I plopped down on my bed. "Ugh, he's a very odd and unpredictable man."

For hours and hours, I kept on thinking about Jasper nonstop. His soft lips, his complexion, his abs, his body.... I would love to have a boyfriend like that. I mean who wouldn't?
If he asked me out, I will definitely say yes.
••••Jasper POV•••

After I left from Olivia apartment, I went to Cease's Pub...again. I sat down at the bar, drinking my feelings away. I promised myself I wouldn't get drunk but tonight that promise will be broken. I just seriously need to get Olivia off my mind. She's driving me nuts.

5 minutes later, a girl with ginger hair sat next to me. She put down her bag on the table and looked at me. "Hey handsome." She said. "I'm Ally."

I drank the rest my whiskey and turned to her. She is wearing a mini Jean Skirt with a red tank top showing her big breasts. Hello Ally.

"I'm Jasper." I quickly said.

She giggled. "What is a handsome British man doing here all alone?"

"I could say the same for you." I said. She began laughing, licking her red lips.

She rolled her eyes and giggled again. "I'm 22."

"27." I answered. There was a pause between us.
"So...Are you busy?"
"Really? Cause I was thinking about you and I go to my place."
She smiled. "Weird. I was thinking the same thing."
••••Olivia POV•••

I woke up with the bright sun, shining across my dark room. I tried to get out of bed but it was so hard. I'm so tired. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep over the past few days. I looked at my phone while it was charging.
'7:56 AM'

I still have to go to work. The more vacation days I take, the less money I will get payed. I quickly took a shower and changed. I put on Beige Sweater Shirt with a Black Skirt and of course with my Converse. I ate one frozen waffle as I ran to the bus stop.
8:43 AM
I finally reached to Jasper's apartment. I knocked on the door and his maid answered. "Oh Olivia! Hi Come in."
She hold the door me as I walked inside. "He's in his room." She explained.

"Okay, thank you." I said. I went to Jasper's big kitchen and made the same cup of coffee for him. I slowly walked to his bedroom not trying to drop the cup like last time. I slowly opened Jasper door. Creakk.. The door sounded.

There I saw Jasper in bed with a young girl. But the thing is that he's actually naked this time.

Oh dear. "Not again.." I screamed. I put the coffee down on the dresser and covered my eyes.
••••Jasper POV•••

I suddenly woke hearing my door creak open. Oh no. It's Olivia. Olivia walked inside and screamed. She covered her eyes. Well this is very embarrassing. I quickly put on my white underwear and moved closer to Olivia.

"Olivia, it's okay." I said uncovering her eyes. She slowly pulled my hands and covered her eyes again. She pointed at Ally and moved away from me.

I looked at Ally and saw that she was naked too. Oh boy. I ran towards her and shook her until she woke up.

"Ally get change and leave." I shouted.

"What?" She whispered. She glared at Olivia. "Who is she?" She rubbed her eyes and sat up from the bed.

"Change into your clothes and Get the fuck out." I screamed out while pointing at the door.
After Ally left, I looked at Olivia face. She looks so embarrassed. "Olivia..I'm sorry you had to see---"

"Oh no it's okay." She muttered shaking her hands. "It's your house. I can't tell what or what not do in your house." She smiled and walked out the bedroom.

Shit. What have I done? I shouldn't never have slept with that girl. Even though it was really good. I made Olivia uncomfortable. I'm such an idiot. I looked at my dresser and saw the cup of coffee Olivia made for me. I picked up the small cup and sip the warm liquid. I felt the warm drink warming the inside of my body.

"Still good." I thought. "Still good."
After that incident, I took a shower and got dressed. I saw Olivia sleeping once again in the kitchen. I let her be because she seemed really tired. I sat next to her eating my breakfast. I mostly paid attention to her instead of my cereal. After 10 minutes of eating, I still kept looking at Olivia until she woke up. She woke up a few minutes later apologizing.

"Oh Mr. Jones, I'm so sorry for sleeping." She cried out.

"No it's okay." I answered. "Well..let's go."

"Wait. You are not going to yell at me?" Her face began to look confused.

"Why would I?" I smiled at Olivia. I grabbed her arm and we both walked out of my apartment.
Eric's Foundation
9:19 AM

I opened the car door for Olivia and gently carried her out. "Thank you." She whispered as she dusted off her skirt. As we both walked to the entrance, the police officers surrounded the front door.

"What's happening?" I thought. The officers recognized me and walked up to me.

"You Jasper Jones right?" They asked.
"Yes." I slowly said.
"Jasper Jones, you are arrested for the assault of Peter Petrov."
One officer went behind me and grabbed both my hands. They handcuffed me and pulled me into their car and we drove away.

Olivia walked up to the car, screaming. "Mr. Jones!" She called out.
"It's going to be okay, Olivia." I responded as I was driving away. Her face looks so terrified and scared.

Are you fucking kidding me. That fucking Petrov. Ugh!
But it's going to be okay-I kept on whispering to myself. I've been arrested before. I could get out of this. Right?
••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed:)••••

Xoxo🙅🏽~ JayJay

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