Chapter Twelve- The Leader

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*******May Contain Spelling Errors and Grammar Errors******

"Your First Crush Is Your First Love"
•••The Stranger's POV••••

"See you later Olivia, You'll pay for this!" I whispered. I circled back to my bike and found a business card on the floor.

"Must be from the freak's bag."

Jasper Jones CEO of Eric's Foundation---
"That f@cker is a billionaire!" I thought. I put the card in my breast pocket and drove away. I went to Eric's Booze & Beers to show the boss what I have found.

I went inside, finding people chattering and getting laid. While walking, I saw one couple french kissing each other. Fucking disgusting.

I rushed to the back of the bar and knocked on the door. "Come." The deep voice said.

I opened the door, feeling the cold air rush pass me. I found the boss sitting in his chair, smoking a cigarette.

"What do you want?" He stated. I moved closer to the desk and took off my gloves.

"I-I found Olivia, Sir."
He turned to me and looked at me with his surprising face. He got up from his chair and moved closer and closer to me.

"You found...Olivia?" He responded.
"Yes Sir." I answered back. His face began to lit like a decorated Christmas Tree.

"Well? Where is she?"
"She's at Abroad Ave, she lives at Buckington Apartment."

There was a long pause between us. "This is good..this is good." He mumbled a few seconds later. His breath smelled like a sewer.

He started smiling like he finally got the toy he wanted for Christmas. The boss seems so happy, I really don't want to ruin his moment but I have to tell him.

He began to look at me in the eye.
"Do you know Jasper Jones?"
"Yes." He answered back. He leaned back on his desk and cross his arms.

"Er..I think him and Olivia are together--"

"What did you fucking say?" He looked at me angry. There was a moment of silence.
"I think he's Olivia boyfriend."

He started pacing across the room.

Afterwards, he immediately stopped and turned head towards me. "Kill him.." He responded.

"KILL HIM." He quickly cut me off. I took one step away from him.

"Ahh...what...w-well..umm-umm" I muttered.
"I'll give you $4, CASH." He slowly began to walk towards me.

I can't resist money, I mean $4,000? That's a lot. I opened my mouth wide and said "You got yourself a deal."
He smiled at me with his shiny gold tooth and gave me his gun. I walked towards the door and opened it, hearing all the noise from inside. Then, the boss grabbed my arm with his hairy hand.

"Now don't yer get caught, I won't be there to save yer ass."
"I won't, I promise." I gave a small smirk and rushed out the door.

••••The Boss POV•••

After Chuck left, I sat back in my chair. I'll get so much money for killing the son of the billionaire.

But, Olivia is still here, oh I miss her so much. Prison made of kept us apart, but I will keep on loving her...till the end.

••••Olivia POV•••

"MR. JONES! SOMEONE CALL 911!" I moved closer to him. I took both of my hands and press it on the wound. A lot of blood is oozing out.

I saw Finn taking out his phone and started dialing 911.
"Mr. Jones! Stay with me!" I yelled. He opened his eyes. His brown eyes began to follow my voice.

"O-Okay, Okay that's good." I shouted. I looked at his bloody stomach. There is already a pool of blood.

"Oh gosh." He quickly lift up his hand to my face to make me focus on him.
"O-O-Ol-li-v-i-a, Its g-oing to be o-okay..."

Tears started to fall from my face. "No..No." I responded. I looked up and saw a crowd of people surrounding Mr. Jones and me. The wind's breeze swayed my hair back and fourth.

"O-Olivia." He stuttered.

I looked back down with my tear-filled eyes.
"I-I-I L-like y-"
"What? I like what?"
His head turned away and he began closing his eyes slowly.

"NO! Mr. Jones, STAY WITH ME!"

••••••I Hoped You Guys Enjoyed•••••
••••••Sorry about any grammar errors•••••


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