Chapter Fourteen- "He's Back."

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******May Contain Spelling and Grammar Errors*****

"Before Alice Got To Wonderland, She Had To Fall."~Life Quote.

••••Olivia POV••••
•First Day•
When the ambulance came, two guys wearing a white shirt and blacks slacks picked up Jasper and moved him into the car.

They used all of their procedures, trying to make him stable until we reached the hospital. He coded a few times, but he always comes back. It's like he wants to stay alive.

When we got to the hospital, they quickly rushed him to the OR (operating room) and made me wait in the waiting room, full of crying parents.
I sat in the waiting room for 8 hours straight, sitting in the same rusty black chair.

I paced up and down the hallway about 5 million times, thinking about if he is going to make it or not. I wish I could help him.

An Hour later, Mr. Jones' father drove to the hospital like he just heard the news.

A few minutes later, the doctor told us that he is alive and resting in his room. He also said that might take him awhile for him to wake up.

"He's Alive!" I sighed. "Thank God."

••••Four Days Before Jasper Woke Up••••

It's been four days. Four long days and Jasper still hasn't woken up yet. For four days, I sat down on the same chair, with the same raggedy clothes I'd always wear, praying everyday for him to wake up.

I spent most of my time in the hospital, sitting next to Jasper and watching Hospital Soap Operas. Just looking at him like he's a painting.

*Knock Knock*
I heard a big knock on the door. I turned my head towards the white door. I saw a nurse dressed up in pink scrubs. Her black hair is pulled back into a small ponytail, tied up with a yellow scrunchie.

"You, Olivia Grey?" She asked. She grabbed a piece of gum from her small pocket and put it her mouth.

"Er..Yes." I replied. I quickly wiped off my face with my soft hands and focus my eyes on her.

"Here, this is for you." She quickly pulled out a white envelope and gave it me.

"Thank you." I said. She nodded her head and walked out. I picked up the envelope and read the front.

To: Olivia Grey
From: ?
Huh? Who wrote this? I quickly opened the envelope and a piece of small white paper fell out.

"DiD yOu MiSs Me?" Spelled out in different cut out letters from what it seems like a magazine. Oh no.

I crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash. Panic flooded my body like a tsunami. I began to hear my heart beating faster and faster. There is only one person who would write this.

"Oh no." I cried. "He's back."
••••••Sorry That The Chapter Is Short•••••


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