Chapter ThirtyFour- In Those 2 Weeks

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****May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors****
"Stand By Me.."~SHINee
•Two Weeks Ago•
••Jasper POV••

"I have to go love.. Sorry." I walked to the coat hangers and slowly put on my jacket.

"Oh.." Olivia whispered.

"I just want to tell you that I might not come tomorrow or the day after or the day after that."
"O-Okay... Don't die..then.."

I smiled and ran towards her giving a small kiss on her forehead.

"Someday, I'll tell you everything.. I promise." I sighed as opened the door.

"And remember you also owe me a kiss." I mumbled as I grinned at her. She gave me a small smile as I closed the door.

"I'm going to miss you.."

I pushed opened the doors, feeling the cold breeze brush pass my body. There I saw Liam and Jared discussing what it sounds like new information.

Liam turned his head, seeing me walk towards him. "Jasper. You're here."

He quickly ran closer to me, giving a bro hug. "How's the cut?"

"I'm fine if that's what you're asking." I quietly said. Liam grinned at me as we strolled into the conference office.

I saw Jared, sitting in of the chairs. "Hey Jasper."

I gave a little nod as I sat down. Liam crept up behind me.

"Jasper, we found out new intel about the guys who been chasing you.."

Across the table, he slide files of paper towards where I was siting. I picked them up, going through every page.

"There are not just an ordinary group of people. They're a part of a gang called the 10x."

"The 10x?" I asked as I looked up. Liam and Jared were both very silent.

Liam coughed. "The 10x... are apart of the Mafia."

My eyes widened. "What?!" I screamed.

"And they don't play. The guy who was operating it was John Lens, Olivia's old stalker."

I covered up my mouth in shock.

"According to his record, John Lens is a very delusional person and also a psychopath. He believed that all these years that Olivia was his girlfriend since high school but that was just only in his mind. He liked to follow her around even to her foster home and liked to send death threats to her. He's so possessive that when Olivia shook a guy's hand at a grocery store, he beaten him until he ended up in a hospital."

I sat there in disgust. "She was only 16 years old." I thought.

"And since you took his girlfriend away from him and beat up his men, they are going to do something extremely horrible to you Jasper..."

I stared at John Lens mug shot. I sighed.
•7 Days Ago•
•••Olivia POV•••

I'm bored I'm super bored. The only thing I could watch on TV is the News because I didn't pay my bill.. yet.

I grabbed the remote, pressing on.
"Good Morning everyone and welcome to the 11:00 o'clock news. I'm your host, Steven Jameson and I'm great to have to you here with us.
One of the most important news that we found out today was extremely shocking that we would have never guessed.

Jasper Jones 27 year old, and also the CEO of Eric's Foundation went hiatus for the past 6 months. His parents Eric and Marlene Jones who we found out she was alive this whole time have said that he went on a long vacation in Rome.

But can we really believe them? This morning we found 10 bodies, dead in a private club owned by the fugitive, John Lens. And since he's in jail, the new owner is Scott Brown, His personal assistant.

This morning, We pulled a security footage that happened last night, showing that Jasper Jones 'the guy who went on vacation' brutally killed all 10 people.

The video was so disturbing that we can't even show you a clip. But if you see this man, please call the station department. It's 1800-Stop Crime.
Who knew a guy who only has been arrested for minor things like bar fights had become a cold blooded killer.
"W-What?" I whispered. "J-Jasper.. a killer?..."
•••Jasper POV•••

"THEY FRAMED ME?!" I screamed out. "B-But I've never killed them!"

"Looks like they took you out of context."

I began pacing around. "Are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled. "Is it because of what happened yesterday?"

Liam nodded his head. "B-But the only reason why I went there was just to talk to them." I mumbled.

"Jasper I told you it was dangerous to even set foot in that place. But you didn't listen to me."

I placed my hands to cover my face. "Okay, Okay...What's our next step?"

"We have to leave, until we find out a new plan."

I looked back up at him, surprised. "I-I have to leave again?"

"Jasper it's the only option. You have to leave Olivia."

"She's holding you back man and you don't even have to worry about Elliot, he already knows everything. Plus, he's out of the country too."

"B-But I can't leave her again. She'll be heartbroken."

"And if you stay, her heart wouldn't be the only one that's broken."

I looked away from him, staring at the grey wall.

"Jasper, they are going to make your life a living hell. They want you to step into their trap. Since they framed you, they know that you'll come to them and try to finish them off. But right then and there, they are going to torture you and end your life."

Liam whispered in my ears. "And you know it's going to be worse when they found out that you and Olivia are still talking to each other."

Panic flooded my body. This time I'm speechless. I don't know what to do or say. Again in my life, I'm loss.
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Xoxo🙅🏽~ JayJay

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